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LAB.2030 | 50/50 by 2020: Supporting Gender Equality in the Australian Film Industry

LAB.2030 | 50/50 by 2020: Supporting Gender Equality in the Australian Film Industry

Mon, 06/11/2018

Being the creative hub for cinematography, Sydney was bestowed the UNESCO City of Film award in 2010, however the industry is facing a number of challenges including gender inequality. Like many other film industries, the Australian sector has far fewer women in creative roles than men and there is a wide acceptance amongst the government and industry officials that this needs to change. Screen NSW is a New South Wales government agency whose aim it is to promote and support the screen industry within the territory. Their pledge is that, by 2020, they want to close the industry-wide gender bias and encourage the equal representation of women within the sector. The 50/50 by 2020 initiative is supported by a variety of funded programs, all focusing on increasing the number of woman placed in creative roles such as director, writer or producer. To access this untapped wealth of creativity, the funding supports projects which not only pitch inspiring and culturally important content, but support the development of women within the sector – giving them a creative voice. From its start in 2015, statistics show huge strides towards the gender equality target with the number of female writers increasing from 32%-53%

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