UNESCO is showing its willingness to open up more actively to all its governmental and non-governmental partners with the involvement of civil society and the private sector by organizing the Partners Forum for two days on 11 and 12 September at Headquarters.
During the plenary session on 11 September, several high-level public figures, including Mr. Jean-Paul AGON, Chairman and CEO of L'Oréal, Mr Jean-Louis CHAUSSADE, Director General of SUEZ, Ms Cecilia SHARP, Deputy Director General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Mr Mahmoud MOHIELDIN, First Vice-President of the World Bank's Development Programme to 2030, and many other personalities will share their vision of UNESCO, its assets and the benefits of their partnerships with UNESCO.
This event will allow existing and potential partners to learn about concrete cooperation opportunities with UNESCO.
Indeed, during these 2 days, you will be able to attend 11 Thematic Forums, around the objectives of sustainable development with testimonies of current partners and examples of financing.
You can also make an appointment to take part in “Speed dating” meetings during which the teams at headquarters and in the field offices will present the various programs and projects to be supported, such as the Education for Girls and Women programs, the Creative Economy, safeguarding endangered properties, programs for young people or supporting communication campaigns.
In the Miro room, an exhibition will highlight achievements realized with partners but also audio testimonies from beneficiaries in the field.