
We’re live from Geneva, Switzerland for the 16th Raúl Prebisch Lecture, given by Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados.

The prestigious Raúl Prebisch Lecture is periodically delivered by a prominent thinker or head of state at the United Nations’ European headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It often tackles trade and development issues, but also covers other topical global concerns.

Prime Minister Mottley’s lecture is entitled "Invisible Yet Indispensable."


If ever there was a time when the world needed an international order to harness global efforts to tackle challenges too great for any one nation, it is today. Climate change is not a theory, nor prospect, it is the lived reality for an increasing number.

Small island states, coastal and low-lying states are on the front line. But the world order has been fundamentally undermined by the ad-hoc exercise of power over universal principle. The more international institutions are democratic and treaty based, the more they have been stripped of power and funding.

Today power resides in self-selected groups of the large, and not just political power but the power of business too. Most countries feel vulnerable and unprotected. But the crumbling of the international order will hurt the large and powerful just as much as the weak and small: no country can stand up to climate change and related global threats on their own.

It is time to reinvent the international order. One that builds local resilience as well as promoting global competitiveness, for it will not stand if many of its members feel invisible and dispensable.

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70% of the world's poor rely on biodiversity for their livelihoods.

1 million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction.
This must change!


#UNTradeForum 5th BioTrade Congress


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Recommended by 36 people
wonderful location to meet all the globe works for everyone of us! beautiful and rewarding!
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Marcella Falcucci's photo.
it's a better place for dialogue and promote thecnology on trade for sustainable development goals
They babyset stupid people that run games in corruption and pyramid scams.. In over size lard ass go...vernment. Bilking billions in eating up those that have nothing... Yet feeding on their change. In any way shape or form. If the GOVERNMENT is not for we the people. Then it is shut down. Pulling weeds is a basic work of art. It says so in a book called better homes and gardening. See More
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