Carlos J. Finlay UNESCO Prize for Microbiology
Acknowledging the importance of microbiology for human health and development, the Government of Cuba and UNESCO have established a prize in honour of one of the most important microbiologists in history: Carlos J. Finlay (Camagüey, 3 December 1833 – La Havana, 20 August 1915). His innovative research on infectious diseases and especially his work on yellow fever have had huge benefits for human kind.
The Carlos J. Finlay UNESCO Prize rewards the efforts of an individual, or of an institution, non-governmental organization or other entity which, through research and development, has made an outstanding contribution to the field of microbiology and its applications. In so doing, the Government of Cuba and UNESCO aim to encourage research and development of Microbiology.
Shahida Hasnain and Samir Saha to receive Carlos J. Finlay UNESCO Prize for Microbiology
Professor Shahida Hasnain of Pakistan and Dr Samir Saha of Bangladesh have been named as the two laureates of the 2017 Carlos J. Finlay UNESCO Prize for Microbiology. The Prize will be presented to them on 6 November during the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, which will bring together the Organization’s 195 Member State from 30 October to 14 November.
2015 laureate
Professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka (Japan)
Director of the International Research Center for Infectious Diseases at the University of Tokyo and Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Yoshihiro Kawaoka is an internationally recognized expert on the influenza and Ebola viruses. He receives the Prize in recognition of his overall contribution to microbiology.