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Galway and Rome, UNESCO Creative Cities of Film, are developing a new inter-city partnership project to share knowledge and expertise amongst the students in Film and Documentary. Galway and Rome UCCN Offices were facilitating a new international student exchange programme between the Centre for Creative Arts & Media, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, and the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome.
360 Vision 2017 is an invitation-only Virtual Reality Lab bringing together some of Australia’s best screen producers, directors, practitioners and artists to meet with key VR content creators and professionals for two days of inspiration, information and networking. Galway City of Film received a special invitation from its counterpart Sydney to attend the 360 Vision event held in April along with Galway-based filmmaker Paula Kehoe.
Galway, UNESCO City of Film, is commemorating the Irish 1916 Rising with a programme of seminal Irish Cinema and landmark television events to take place over eight Saturdays throughout 2016. This programme, called “100 Years of Cinema”, will take the form of one-day events, roughly one Saturday per month, to include screenings, debate and lively discussion of the development of Galway's national identity and national cinema over the past one hundred years.
Under the Galway UNESCO City of Film, Galway Film Centre, in association with the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM), have just launched a partnership project called ‘Science on Screen’ funded through Science Foundation Ireland’s Discover Programme, which aims to facilitate, promote and increase the inclusion of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) content in Irish film and TV production.