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Call for Entries: Bradford Small World Film Festival on the theme of “My City”

Call for Entries: Bradford Small World Film Festival on the theme of “My City”

Thu, 12/22/2016 to Fri, 03/31/2017
Open to all members of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, the theme of the 2017 edition of Bradford’s Small World Film Festival is “My City”. 
In this framework, the Creative City of Film calls for the UCCN members to submit a short film about their city, meeting the following instructions:  
  • The short films should not exceed a maximum of 6-minute length; 
  • All entries must be carry English subtitles and be suitable for a family audience;
  • All genres are accepted to portray your city: animation, documentary, fantasy, sci-fi drama, and so on;
  • Initial entries will be accepted by YouTube link, Vimeo link or by FTP file transfer, to the following email address bradford.unesco@gmail.com; and
  • All entries must be clearly marked “MY CITY” and the name of the Creative City in the subject of the message. 
All short fillms which meet the criteria will be played out on the Bradford Big Screen located in the heart of the City Park throughout the month of June 2017. The winning five films will be selected by Bradford’s panel jury made up of members of the public. 
The winning five films will be screened at the UCCN XI Annual Meeting to be held in Enghien-les-Bains, France, from 29 June to 2 July 2017. 
All Creative Cities are highly encouraged to participate in this initiative. 

Deadline for submission of entries: 31 March 2017


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