UNESCO’S Creative Cities’ Network to meet in Östersund, Sweden
Paris, 9 September—The tenth Annual meeting of UNESCO’s Creative Cities’ Network (UCCN) will take place from 14 to 16 September in the Swedish city of Östersund, which is a member of UCCN in the field of Gastronomy. The event will bring together more than 250 representatives of the Network’s 116 Creative Cities, including 20 mayors, from 14 to 16 September.
AnnSofie Andersson, Mayor of Östersund, will open the meeting with Alice Bah Kuhnke, Sweden’s Minister for Culture and Democracy, and Jyoti Hosagrahar, Director of UNESCO’s Division for Creativity of UNESCO.
The Annual Meeting is held to define the Network’s activities, support urban policies in favour of culture and creativity and foster partnerships between the members. It will provide the opportunity to affirm the role of the Network as an enabler of sustainable development in urban environments, in line with UNESCO’s Culture and Sustainable Urban Development Initiative and the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
“Every Annual Meeting of the Creative Cities Network represents an opportunity to strengthen the ties between its members,” said Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO. “The Network today comprises 116 cities in 54 countries and its diversity enhances its cooperation potential. The Network is a unique platform that helps place culture, creativity and innovation at the heart of sustainable urban development in the spirit of the 11th Goal of the 2030 Agenda.”
The main cultural urban policy achievements of the Creative Cities will be presented in several sessions and thematic workshops during the meeting.
The UNESCO Creative Cities Network covers seven creative fields: crafts and folk art, design, film, gastronomy, literature, music and media arts. Creative Cities work together to place creativity and cultural industries at the core of their local development plans and cooperate internationally through partnerships.
On 15 September, a creative business workshop will gather local and regional businesses as well as international guests to develop their networks and exchange views on the creation of new businesses.
Just ahead of the Annual Meeting, from 11 to 14 September, Mid Sweden University (MIUN) will hold conference, “Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development” (VEC), that will examine ways to maximize the potential of urban-rural connections.
Meeting points for the Press at the Annual Meeting
Media contact: Sofia Klasson, Press manager for the Xth Annual Meeting, sofia(at)trampolinpr.se, +46705804202
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