Training Workshop on the Utilization of the Global Digital Library in Ethiopia

From 27-28 February 2019, IICBA and the Global Digital Library (GDL) team from Norway conducted a testing workshop in Hawassa, Ethiopia on utilizing a web-based system of digital library for language teacher educators and pre-service students of the Hawassa College of Teacher Education. A total of 20 teacher educators and student teachers from Sidamuu Afoo and English language streams participated in the workshop. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Christer Gunderson, GDL Technical Officer, and Mr. Kenneth Stigen, GDL Technical Team Member. The Digital Library serves as a catering platform for teaching and learning resources globally. Dr. Temechegn Engida, Program Officer and Mr. Solomon Andargie, Project Officer, represented IICBA at the workshop, who also briefed the participants about IICBA and translated some of the conversations with the facilitators into the Amharic language for proper understanding of the ideas by the participants.

 The primary objectives of the workshop were to orient participants on the use of a Digital Library to support language literacy in teacher training institutions (TTIs) and schools as well as to introduce technology-based opportunities for language e-content development and delivery through a Digital Library system. IICBA representatives stressed the need for synergy between the teachers and students for efficient and effective use of the materials in the teaching-learning processes. The participants tested the GDL materials in various Ethiopia languages and on different devices assisting with as well double checking for proper translations.

This intervention is part of the GDL initiative in Africa, which aims to stimulate the quality of language literacy and teaching and learning in schools and TTIs through an interactive use of a GDL. The library ( is accessible on mobile phones, tablets and laptops in many different languages, including seven Ethiopian languages, Kiswahili, Husa (Nigeria), English and French. IICBA will continue to support GDL and to ensure that it is not simply used as a reading material but as a pedagogical approached employed by teachers to enhance students’ learning.