Management and administration of education systems

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Governance reforms in higher education: A study of institutional autonomy in Asian countries
Many governments in Asia have granted greater autonomy to institutions of higher education in rec..
7.00 €
Achieving transparency in pro-poor education incentives
What are the best ways to ensure that scholarships, conditional cash transfers, free school meals..
15.00 €
Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: what can be done? (Russian version)
Rigged calls for tender, embezzlement of funds, illegal registration fees, academic fraud - there..
15.00 €
Lignes directrices pour l'élaboration et l'utilisation efficace des codes de conduite des enseignants
These guidelines have been prepared to help countries successfully design a teacher code of condu..
10.00 €
Corruption et éducation
Ce fascicule traite de la corruption dans le secteur éducatif. Comment la définir? Comment éva..
Patterns of development and use of codes of conduct for teachers in 24 countries
This booklet presents the results of an international survey on codes of conduct for teachers acr..
7.00 €
Enquêtes de suivi des dépenses publiques dans l’éducation
Les enquêtes de suivi des dépenses publiques (ESDP) permettent aux décideurs d'évaluer le bon..
7.00 €
Strengthening local actors: the path to decentralizing education: Kenya, Lesotho, Uganda
Many countries have taken the path of decentralization in recent years, for different motives but..
7.00 €
Schooling and decentralization: patterns and policy implications in Francophone West Africa
Decentralization has been a fashionable management reform for quite a few years, in countries wit..
7.00 €
Séparer pour réussir? Les modalités de groupement des élèves
Comment former les classes dans une école ? Sur quels critères se fonder pour répartir les él..
10.00 €
Renforcer le partenariat école-communauté: Bénin, Niger et Sénégal
La plupart des décideurs et chercheurs internationaux reconnaissent aujourd'hui l'utilité de la..
7.00 €
Corruption and education
This booklet deals with the issue of corruption in the education sector. How can we define corrup..
Methods of grouping learners at school
How should classrooms be formed in a school? What criteria should be used for dividing ..
10.00 €
Teacher codes: learning from experience
This book examines the differences between codes of conduct and codes of ethics, the purpose of t..
7.00 €
Responding to HIV and AIDS: The case of a Zambian teacher training institution
HIV and AIDS constitute a very serious problem in societies with a high HIV and AIDS prevalence, ..