Catalogue of Learning Assessments 2.0

The Sustainable Development Goal for education (SDG 4) requires countries to measure and report on learning outcomes as well as a range of other indicators such as global citizenship, digital literacy and science. Assessments are a key way to gather this information, but implementing an assessment, analysing the resulting data and disseminating the information can prove technically challenging for many countries.

For countries that do not participate in any assessment programme, choosing the one that meets their needs – and their international reporting obligationsis an important decision. To help them choose from the many options, the Catalogue of Learning Assessments (CLA), which provides a standardised source of information on all learning assessments conducted globally, is a good place to start.

Further, as the CLA includes information on household-based surveys, it can be a useful tool for monitoring information on out-of-school children. For more details, on CLA 2.0, please read this short summary.

Questionnaires and Country Cases

The Catalogue of Learning Assessment 2.0 comprises the following questionnaires:

 Questionnaire code Questionnaire name Link
UIS/LO/CLA2/M1 General information on learning and skills assessments EN / FR / ES
UIS/LO/CLA2/M1/ECD General information on Early childhood development (ECD) assessments EN / FRES
UIS/LO/CLA2/M2/HBA/DL Results from household-based assessments on digital literacy skills EN / FRES
UIS/LO/CLA2/M2/HBA/FLN Results from household-based assessments on functional literacy and numeracy skills EN / FRES
UIS/LO/CLA2/M2/HBA/ICT Results from household-based assessments on ICT skills EN / FRES
UIS/LO/CLA2/M2/SBA Results from school-based assessments (SBA) EN / FRES
UIS/LO/CLA2/M2/ECD Results on early childhood development (ECD) EN / FRES

Completed UIS/LO/CLA2/M1 questionnaires: