ASPnet schools join #RightToEducation campaign
With eyes full of beautiful expressions in front of the camera to convey a glance of hope for quality education - inclusive, equitable, and accessible to all - students from a Member School of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network join the Organization's digital campaign on the #RightToEducation marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. More
Capacity Development Workshop in Sub-Saharan Africa
26 -28 June 2018, 40 National Coordinators of the UNESCO Associated Schools
Network came together in Windhoek, Namibia, to start a new phase of dynamic
collaboration in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. More
A teacher and a student from Mexico in the spotlight at the first International Day of Light
On 16 May 2018, UNESCO celebrated the
first International Day of Light in the presence of renowned scientist, researchers and intellectuals to discuss the central role that light plays in our daily lives and how it enables innovation in the areas of science, culture, education and many other cross-cutting fields to advance sustainable development.
23 April - UNESCO Associated Schools love books and reading
World Book and Copyright Day is a worldwide celebration! It is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and of reading.
Strengthening governance, action and visibility of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network
Passionate teachers and students exchange their aspirations for equal access of girls and boys to STEM
Eighteen teachers and students representing the UNESCO Associated Schools Network took part in the International Symposium and Policy Forum: "Cracking the code: girls' and women's education in STEMheld in Bangkok, 28-30 August 2017.
International Conference on the contribution of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network to SDG 4 and Education 2030 hosted by China
An International Conference of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network: Contributing effectively to the implementation of SDG 4 and Education 2030 took place in Sanya, People's Republic of China, from 8 to 10 April. It gathered National ASPnet Coordinators from 35 countries, policy makers and specialised institutions such as APCEIU, with the aim of identifying concrete actions for ASPnet to support the implementation of Education 2030 and the achievement of targets 4.7 and 4.a.
Opening hearts and minds to refugees: Arts Contest
Student groups from UNESCO Associated Schools Network members all over the world are invited to participate in the Arts Contest "Opening hearts and minds to refugees". The contest is an opportunity for students of all ages and their teachers to do research and reflect on why people leave their homes and flee from their countries, who the people leaving their countries are, how their life in their home countries and in the transit or destination country is, what refugees and non-refugees have in common and how one could better help them to feel safe, welcome and included.
UNESCO’s Executive Board debates the Evaluation of the Associated Schools Network
The 200th session of the Executive Board examines the
evaluation of UNESCO’s Associated Schools Netwok (ASPnet) described "as a driver for innovation and quality in education" and "recognized as an effective implementation mechanism in the context of the Sustainable Development Agenda, in particular for reaching target 4.7 of the SDG 4 – Education 2030". Six recommendations will guide the International Coordination Unit in the future management and coordination of the ASPnet. Read the Evaluation Report and its highlights