Educational Planning

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Directions in educational planning: International experiences and perspectives
The nature of educational planning has evolved significantly during the past few decades. The 196..
15.00 €
Based on 1 reviews.
Analysis of capacity development in educational planning and management in Ethiopia
Many initiatives in Ethiopia in recent years have aimed to strengthen the capacities of education..
7.00 €
Constructing an indicator system or scorecard for higher education: a practical guide
In order to respond to growing demand, higher education systems are diversifying and reforming th..
7.00 €
Donors and capacity development in Guyana and Bangladesh
Development agencies' concerns about aid effectiveness are being increasingly linked to aid-recip..
7.00 €
Tertiary education in small states: planning in the context of globalization
Small states have in common a number of challenges and opportunities, including in the domain of ..
15.00 €
Smaller, quicker, cheaper: improving learning assessments for developing countries
The effective use of educational assessments is fundamental to improving learning. However, effec..
10.00 €
Strategic planning: concept and rationale
To make progress in education, countries must have a clear vision of their priorities and how to ..
Strategic planning: organizational arrangements
To make progress in education, countries must have a clear vision of their priorities and how to ..
Strategic planning: techniques and methods
To make progress in education, countries must have a clear vision of their priorities and how to ..
Incentive structures as a capacity development strategy in public service delivery
Incentive structures play a crucial role when it comes to capacity development by motivating indi..
7.00 €
Capacity development in educational planning and management: learning from successes and failures
Some twenty international experts in capacity development (CD) in education met at IIEP for two d..
7.00 €
Learning purposefully in capacity development: why, what and when to measure?
Monitoring and evaluation of capacity development faces a fundamental dilemma. On the one hand, c..
The role and impact of NGOs in capacity development: from replacing the state to reinvigorating education
As development actors, NGOs have become key service providers in countries where the government i..
Capacity development in education planning and management in fragile states
Is capacity development in fragile states feasible? Is it possible for outsiders to help turn aro..
7.00 €
Planifier la diversité culturelle
En ce début du XXIesiècle, l’éducation face à la diversitéculturelle constitue un débat p..
10.00 €