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The purpose of this guide is to present a set of minimum standards for a whole school approach to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) and a monitoring framework to measure the effectiveness of the approach. A whole school approach is a strategy that takes into account the interconnectedness of schools, communities, and families in order to improve the school environment for students, staff, and community members. This guide is divided into three sections. …
This review of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in Thai educational institutions collected data from students, teachers, guardians, school directors and national policy advocacy stakeholders. Standard international data collection tools were used, with the hope that important information could be gathered to guide the development of school-based CSE implementation in Thailand.
Zambia is one of the twenty countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region that affirmed their joint commitment to deliver Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services for young people. There are a number of strategies and policies that support the Implementation of these commitments in Zambia. …
The relationship between feeling safe in school and academic achievement differs between boys and girls, and also varies between countries. Educational policymakers are advised to carefully analyze the complex interplay between gender, grade level and national contexts when developing strategies to enhance school safety.
Adequate provision of water supply, sanitation, hygiene and waste management in schools has a number of positive effects and contributes to a reduced burden of disease among children, staff and their families. Such interventions also provide opportunities for greater gender equity in access to education, and create educational opportunities to promote safe environments at home and in communities. This document provides guidance on water, sanitation and hygiene required in schools. …
This toolkit offers guiding principles, evidence-based approaches, and resources to guide USAID technical and program officers working on education to integrate GBV prevention and response throughout the USAID Program Cycle, with particular focus on project design and implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
This document is a report of a training workshop for School Health Education Programme (SHEP) coordinators at national, regional district and school levels and selected head teachers of basic schools. The purpose of the workshop was to provide participants with the skills, background and knowledge to build respect, tolerance and critical thinking among learners. In addition, the objective was to provide practical examples of how they can integrate diversity, anti-discrimination and gender equality activities into lesson planning and delivery.
A Tool for Change: Working with the Media on Issues Relating to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics in Thailand analyzes news media coverage of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC), and LGBTIQ identities across media platforms in Thailand. The research found that LGBTIQ people are often represented in the news media inaccurately, stereotypically, or without a clear understanding of SOGIE. The study recommends that a professional code of conduct on reporting SOGIESC issues be developed. …
For girls and women globally, access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is critical for their sexual and reproductive health and for gender equality. Girls’ inability to manage their menstrual health, compromises their ability to complete their educations and navigate other aspects of their lives. Lack of access to clean water can have significant impacts on women’s and girls’ health, including their reproductive health, and contributes to maternal mortality and morbidity. …
The Legal Gender Recognition in the Philippines: A Legal and Policy Review is the cumulative result of the desk review of laws, regulations, and policies regarding legal gender recognition in the Philippines. It likewise included research into how these existing laws, regulations, and policies are implemented and how they impact or will impact on transgender people in the Philippines. …
Ce livre est composé de témoignages, recueillis individuellement ou en groupe, et de principaux résultats d’enquêtes ayant permis d’interroger 47604 élèves âgés de 8 à 19 ans. Il s’attache à décrire la violence « ordinaire » en milieu scolaire, sa fréquence, ses caractéristiques et, la manière différenciée – ou non – dont elle touche les filles et les garçons.
The rights to self-determination and recognition before the law are fundamental human rights belonging to everyone without distinction including transgender people. However, the human rights of transgender people in this regard continue to be violated and disrespected across the world, in the Asian region and within Thailand itself. …
The advice sets out what sexual violence and sexual harassment is, how to minimise the risk of it occurring and what to do when it does occur, or is alleged to have occurred. The advice highlights best practice and cross-references other advice, statutory guidance and the legal framework. It is for individual schools and colleges to develop their own policies and procedures. It is important that policies and procedures are developed in line with their legal obligations, including the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010, especially the Public Sector Equality Duty. …
Intercambia es una idea hecha realidad que surge del trabajo conjunto del Instituto de la Mujer, Organismo Autónomo del Ministerio de Igualdad y del Instituto de Formación del Profesorado, Investigación e Innovación Educativa del Ministerio de Educación con el fin de facilitar el intercambio entre los distintos Organismos de Igualdad y las Administraciones Educativas de las Comunidades Autónomas en el ámbito de la coeducación. …
Par cette loi, le gouvernement est chargé de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires de sensibilisation pour modifier les schémas et modèles de comportement socioculturel de l'homme et de la femme, en vue de parvenir à l'élimination des pratiques coutumières ou de tout autre type qui sont fondés sur l'idée de l'infériorité ou de la supériorité de l'un ou de l'autre sexe ou d'un rôle stéréotypé de l'homme ou de la femme.