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La politique de l’alimentation scolaire se réfère à la vision d’une alimentation scolaire universelle à l’horizon 2030. Elle se justifie par la nécessité d’avoir des enfants en bonne santé nutritionnelle afin qu’ils soient en mesure d’apprendre à l’école. La politique est orientée autour de 3 grands axes d’interventions stratégiques : La prestation de services alimentaires de qualité dans les écoles (snack et repas chaud) avec la participation du secteur privé et associatif. Le snack offre le plus d’avantages éducationnels et de développement local à moindre coûts. …
Les objectifs de la ligne directrice pour l`EAH en milieu scolaire sont les suivants: Guider les acteurs intervenant dans ce secteur dans l’élaboration de programmes/projets EAH en tenant compte des directives du gouvernement en la matière; Orienter les acteurs sur le processus d’initialisation et de la mise en œuvre de projets EAHMS; Servir de base pour l’accréditation et la validation des projets/programmes dans cette thématique; Définir le contenu minimal du Programme d’Education à l’hygiène et le paquet minimum d’infrastructure EAH nécessaire.
International policy agreements, along with emerging evidence about factors influencing programme effectiveness, have led to calls for a shift in sexuality education toward an approach that places gender norms and human rights at its heart. Little documentation exists, however, about the degree to which this shift is actually taking place on the ground or what it entails. Field experiences in using new curriculum tools, such as It's All One, offer one lens onto these questions. To gain a sense of practitioners' experience with this tool, a two-part exercise was conducted. …
School meals programmes have an important role to play in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. When appropriately designed, they have the potential to improve the diets and nutrition knowledge and practices of millions of schoolchildren and their communities. This publications sheds light on country practices and experience that can serve to inform nutrition-sensitive school meals programmes in other countries. …
Cette stratégie vise à contribuer à l'atteinte du résultat attendu stipulé dans le Plan national stratégique multisectoriel de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et dans son plan de suivi : "Une réduction globale du niveau de transmission du VIH, toutes sources confondues - d'ici 2015". Quatre axes d'intervention ont été retenus: 1. Renforcement de la gouvernance et du leadership; 2. Etablissement de partenariats stratégiques; 3. Renforcement des capacités et de la performance; 4. Amélioration de l'accès et de la qualité des services de prévention.
The HIV/AIDS pandemic disproportionately afflicts regions of the world that have minimal access to formal schooling and low literacy rates. Health educational interventions are difficult to evaluate efficiently in these settings because standard approaches such as written questionnaires cannot easily be employed. Here, we describe a novel method of rapidly assessing health interventions among large groups that does not require the ability to read or write. …
many years, and a growing number of organizations are including a focus on young people, HIV/ASRH and humanitarian settings into their work. Despite this, however, there is on‐going concern that young people in general, and adolescents in particular (10-19 years) do not receive sufficient ttention in humanitarian settings, and that this has both important immediate implications for their health during the emergencies, and also much longer-term implications for them, their families and their communities. This report aims to respond to these concerns. …
This meeting brought together the Ministers of Education and other health and education experts from fifteen Latin American and Caribbean countries to exchange experiences and successful practices that address four priority areas: obesity, lack of physical activity, substance abuse, and sexual and reproductive health.
Adolescence is a time when gender disparities between boys and girls become more pronounced. While many boys stay focused on school, girls often have more responsibilities at home. These responsibilities limit girls’ opportunities for maintaining social networks, and social isolation can contribute to increasing the risk of dropping out of school, marrying early, and being in situations that leave them vulnerable to pregnancy and HIV infection. At their most recent annual meeting, the Interagency Youth Working Group focused on protecting and empowering adolescent girls. …
This report reviews recent Women’s Refugee Commission sexual and reproductive health activities (SRH) in Haiti, Uganda and South Sudan. It considers the impact of advocacy, training and planning activities related to emergency preparedness and planning specific to SRH. The report then offers lessons learned and recommendations for improving steps towards SRH emergency preparedness at the national level. …
Ce guide sert de support pour la formation des travailleurs communautaires de base prestataires de services aux orphelins et aux enfants rendus vulnérables (OEV) par le VIH/SIDA en Haïti. Ce programme les aide à développer des aptitudes et acquérir les compétences requises pour répondre aux besoins essentiels des OEV. …
Ce guide sert de support pour la formation des travailleurs communautaires de base prestataires de services aux orphelins et aux enfants rendus vulnérables (OEV) par le VIH/SIDA en Haïti. Ce programme les aide à développer des aptitudes et acquérir les compétences requises pour répondre aux besoins essentiels des OEV. …
This paper reviews and describes research practices and program interventions addressing the sexual and reproductive health of very young adolescents (VYA) and identifies promising program components and research/evaluation practices. The paper is not exhaustive but serves as a tool for further discussion of what is needed in VYA programming and research
This study does not address the level of implementation of HIV/AIDS education, but the framework and conditions set in policies and curricula for curriculum implementation. This analysis will however lead to an evaluation of the likely quality of implementation that may be expected, regarding criteria established through existing research and evaluation. From the analysis of the curriculum, which states goals, intention and, what can be expected to be actually implemented as HIV/AIDS education in schools and class rooms. …
This literature review was conducted using the PubMed database, the Center for Communication Programs (CCP)'s Popline service, and the Google search engine. Sources included in this review were limited to those published after 1990 in English or French. …