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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

Managing Operation and Maintenance. What does it take to reach the SDGs for WASH in schools?

FRESH  School Health and Nutrition Webinar: Managing Operation and Maintenance. What does it take to reach the SDGs for WASH in schools?

Date: Friday, 15th March 2019

Introduction to a costing tool to calculate the budget need for schools to provide the basic service level for drinking water, usable sanitation, and handwashing with soap. The tool provides school heads with an easy to manage app, which calculates the annual cost per student depending on local condition and local prices. 

How much do they need to keep aside for consumables, and cleaning staff for managing each facility?

How many facilities can they properly maintain with the budget they have?

Commemorating World Water Day and its call for leaving no one behind in meeting the SDG WASH targets, we welcome colleagues from GIZ to share their newly developed mobile app that will help school administrators to safely manage their WASH facilities.

Featured Speakers:

  • Bella Monse, Principal Advisor, Fit for School, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 
  • Ing. Ubo Pakes, Consultant, Philippines
  • Jan Schlenk, WASH Policy Advisor, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 

Time: 9am EDT/ 1pm BST/ 4pm EAT/ 9pm SGT 

Join by: Clicking the zoom link here OR Phone in: Find a local number Meeting ID: 241 530 455

The FRESH School Health and Nutrition Webinars are monthly presentations by leading policymakers, researchers and implementers engaged in improving the health and education of children in low- and middle-income contexts. 

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