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This powerpoint presents a qualitative study carried out in the districts of Bushenyi (rural without civil conflict), Katakwi (rural and affected by armed conflict) and Kampala (urban). It looks at the nature and magnitude of teachers’ absenteeism and the extent to which HIV/AIDS has escalated it and assesses the impact of HIV/AIDS-based teachers’ absenteeism on the attainment of the quality of education. The study also proposes functional solutions to address the causes and effects of teachers absenteeism with specific emphasis on HIV/AIDS-based absenteeism.
Implementing the Department of Education's Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) prevention and control policy and program in the workplace. Department order No. 45, Series of 2012
The employer is concerned about HIV and AIDS situation and this policy in line with the main objectives of the health, safety and environment policy aims to ensure that employees have sufficient awareness of the causes, prevention and consequences of the disease in order to adequately protect themselves, their family members and others.
The purpose of the study summarised in this document was to understand the needs and expectations of employers with respect to graduate competencies, particularly in relation to addressing the demands of HIV/AIDS within the workplace, and the responsiveness of the higher education subsector with regard to meeting these needs and expectations.
The Namibian Government is committed to provide services to the citizens of Namibia. Apart from the sector’s responsibility to deliver services by maintaining a healthy and productive workforce, the Government needs to sustain current practices, develop innovative approaches to future challenges, and maintain an institutional memory that sustains the employees and the services rendered to the population of Namibia. HIV and AIDS is one of the factors that impact on the ability of the Public Sector to deliver services. …
This publication aims to support governments, employers’, and workers’ organizations as well as other stakeholder in addressing HIV and AIDS among young people and combatting discrimination and stigmatization of young workers affected by the HIV epidemic. It includes guidelines and concrete examples that can be used by actors working on HIV and AIDS as well as youth employment initiatives.
The aim of this article is to hear the voices of HIV- and AIDS-affected educators regarding their experiences of the psychosocial effect that the HIV and AIDS pandemic has on them as well as to voice their experiences of how Resilient Educators (REds), a support programme to enable educators affected by HIV and AIDS towards resilience, enabled them. A qualitative study was undertaken with 100 affected educators from different provinces in South Africa. Open-ended questionnaires were used to collect data prior to and after exposure to REds. …
The purpose of this article is to analyse the topic of the young people infected with HIV/AIDS (the social group most affected by this virus both in Romania, and worldwide), stressing on the forms of including these people on the labour market. The first part of the article is a brief introduction into the matter of HIV/AIDS and it provides several statistics and estimates on the infection with HIV/AIDS worldwide and in Romania. …
The Code’s primary objective is to set out guidelines for employers and trade unions to implement so as to ensure individuals with HIV infection are not unfairly discriminated against in the workplace. This includes provisions regarding: creating a non-discriminatory work environment; dealing with HIV testing, confidentiality and disclosure; providing equitable employee benefits; dealing with dismissals; and managing grievance procedures.
Nepal is considered a low prevalence country. Prevention efforts have focused on sub-populations who are more vulnerable than the general population, including migrant workers. Nepal has faced continuous political strife, including armed conflict in the recent past. The economy has slowed down as a result. Nepal was one of the countries chosen to be part of the International HIV/AIDS Workplace Education Programme supported by the US Department of Labor (USDOL) and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO). …
La mise en oeuvre de la politique nationale s’appuie sur des axes prioritaires d’intervention, d’un cadre juridique et institutionnel de la lutte contre le VIH/sida-IST, la tuberculose et le paludisme dans le monde du travail. …
Ce document de politique nationale de lutte conte le VIH/SIDA met en oeuvre le plan stratégique national 2006 – 2010 en orientant, mieux organisant et harmonisant les activités de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans le monde du travail. Le but est de mieux protéger les travailleurs contre le VIH et de faire bénéficier ceux déjà infectés d’un environnement professionnel non discriminant et non stigmatisant et d’une qualité de vie améliorée.
In 1994 a process was started by a group of NGO’s and trade unions in South Africa and Zimbabwe to try and persuade SADC to develop a regional “Code of Best Practice around AIDS and Employment”. In 1997 the Code that is reprinted in this pamphlet was adopted by the SADC Council. It is now an official policy of the region and it is recommended that SADC’s 14 member states find ways to incorporate the Code’s provisions into legislation. The SADC region is severely affected by the AIDS epidemic. …
Le plan d’action du Département de la Fonction Publique, du Travail, de la Jeunesse et des Sports vise à contribuer à l’atteinte des objectifs de la lutte définis dans le Cadre Stratégique National de Lutte contre les IST/VIH/SIDA. Les Cibles du Plan d’action du département sont constitués principalement par le personnel du département, les jeunes membres des associations sportives, les travailleurs, les familles de ces groupes. Les associations de jeunes seront touchées par l’intervention de la société civile et des services décentralisés.
A presente Lei estabelece os princípios gerais visando garantir que todos os trabalhadores e candidatos a emprego não sejam discriminados nos locais de trabalho ou quando se candidatam a emprego, por serem suspeitos ou portadores do HIV/SIDA. A presente Lei aplica-se, sem qualquer discriminação, a todos os trabalhadores e candidatos a emprego, na Administração Pública e outros sectores públicos ou privados, incluindo os trabalhadores domésticos.