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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Situational analysis on the status of the sexual and reproductive health of students in tertiary institutions in the SADC region

    It is a hardy perennial of the university environment that normative consensus around large global issues such as sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is easier to secure than the programmatic requisites. Thus, in principle, tertiary education students are included in international SRHR-related declarations and domestic policies pertaining to the education and health sectors; in practice, there is often a lack of programmatic and policy attention at institutional level, as well as a marked knowledge gap over the status of student’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs.

  2. Policy and guidelines for the comprehensive water, sanitation and hygiene in schools (WINS) program

    The Philippines' Department of Education (DepEd) issued the Policy and Guidelines for the Comprehensive Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools (WinS) Program for the promotion of correct hygiene and sanitation practices among school children and a clean environment in and around schools to keep learners safe and healthy.

  3. Water, sanitation and hygiene standards for schools in low-cost settings

    Adequate provision of water supply, sanitation, hygiene and waste management in schools has a number of positive effects and contributes to a reduced burden of disease among children, staff and their families. Such interventions also provide opportunities for greater gender equity in access to education, and create educational opportunities to promote safe environments at home and in communities. This document provides guidance on water, sanitation and hygiene required in schools. …

  4. Training matters: a framework for core competencies of sexuality educators

    This framework focuses on sexuality educators and the competencies they should have, or develop, in order to conduct sexuality education. It is primarily addressed to those who conduct the training of sexuality educators and to experts who develop the relevant curricula for this kind of training. It can also guide sexuality educators themselves in their own professional and personal development. The framework is intended to provide support and to facilitate the implementation of training programmes for sexuality educators and/or improve the quality of existing programmes. …

  5. Teachers’ handbook for inclusive school health and nutrition

    This manual is intended as a teacher’s handbook for understanding and delivering integrated school health and nutrition (SHN) interventions. The manual provides materials for classroom-oriented activities aimed at teaching children how to lead healthy lives. It is divided into two parts, the first part introduces SHN to the reader and proffers suggestions of how create an equitable school environment. In the second part, SHN interventions on specific topics (deworming and vision screening) are included as individual modules with guidelines on implementation in schools. …

  6. School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP) Extension: final report, May 18, 2018

    This report focuses on the implementation and outcomes of the second phase of the School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP) initiative. The overall aim of the initiative is to create a foundation by which countries have the awareness, capacity, and operational and technical resources to include school health and nutrition (SHN) into their education sector plans. The second phase of SHIP focused on the following objectives: 1. Analyze and understand the cost drivers of delivering integrated school-based vision screening and provide guidance for scaling up these interventions; 2. …

  7. School health for all: an operational manual for integrating inclusive school health and nutrition

    This manual provides practical principles and activities for planning and implementing vision screening and deworming in the education sector in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Senegal, based on the School Health Integrated Program (SHIP). The manual is divided into four different sections aimed at different audiences: Part 1: For Global Partnership for Education partners, including donors, country partners, civil society organizations, private organizations, and foundations. Part 2: For Ministry of Education staff who work with school health and nutrition programs. …

  8. National sexuality education framework

    The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) has developed this National Framework on Sexuality Education through wide consultations with a cross section of stakeholders. This framework seeks to create an over-arching national direction for providing young people with sexuality education in the formal education setting. …

  9. School policy framework: implementation of the global strategy on diet, physical activity and health

    In paragraph 49 of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (DPAS) the following recommendation is made to Member States: “School policies and programmes should support the adoption of healthy diets and physical activity.” To assist Member States in DPAS implementation at the country level, WHO produced the document "School Policy Framework: Implementation of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health". …

  10. Statutory PSHE education: meaningful change supported by busy teachers and school leaders

    The purpose of this report is to show how statutory personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education as an entire subject, including but not limited to relationships and sex education (RSE), can be implemented in a way that brings significant benefits while minimising impact on teacher workload and school funding. The PSHE Association Strategic Partners Group urges the Education Secretary and his Department to seize the opportunity to ensure all school children benefit from good quality PSHE education and proceed to consult on statutory regulations for PSHE education in its entirety. …

  11. Promouvoir la santé à l’école : des preuves à l’action

    Le but de ce document est d'expliquer comment et pourquoi la promotion de la santé en milieu scolaire est importante ; de montrer à quel point une politique d’établissement cohérente et une bonne direction et un bon encadrement sont essentiels ; et de rappeler que la promotion de la santé en milieu scolaire se fonde sur des données scientifiques validées et des pratiques de qualité identifiées dans le monde entier. …

  12. Ligne directrice pour la promotion de l’hygiène en milieu scolaire : document cadre

    Les objectifs de la ligne directrice pour l`EAH en milieu scolaire sont les suivants: Guider les acteurs intervenant dans ce secteur dans l’élaboration de programmes/projets EAH en tenant compte des directives du gouvernement en la matière; Orienter les acteurs sur le processus d’initialisation et de la mise en œuvre de projets EAHMS; Servir de base pour l’accréditation et la validation des projets/programmes dans cette thématique; Définir le contenu minimal du Programme d’Education à l’hygiène et le paquet minimum d’infrastructure EAH nécessaire.

  13. Rapport d’experts sur l’éducation sexuelle en Suisse, référence faite à des documents de principe internationaux et comparaison avec des pays choisis

    Le 20 mars 2015, le Parlement a transmis le postulat 14.4115 Regazzi « Faire vérifier par une commission indépendante les thèses défendues par la fondation SANTÉ SEXUELLE Suisse quant au développement sexuel de l'enfant et de l'adolescent ». Ce postulat demande au Conseil fédéral de faire vérifier les théories sur lesquelles se base la fondation SANTÉ SEXUELLE Suisse (SSS) par une commission d'experts indépendante, composée de médecins, de psychologues du développement et de spécialistes en pédagogie générale, et de présenter les conclusions de cette commission sous la forme d'un rapport . …

  14. Choose a future! Issues and options for adolescent girls and boys in Nigeria

    Choose a Future! brings together ideas and activities to help adolescent girls and boys shape their own lives and create their own options. This manual is for facilitators working with girls and boys ages 10-19. Girls and boys are actively involved in creating their own solutions to situations they encounter at home, in school and at work with male and female peers.

  15. Pour des élèves en meilleure santé

    La santé et l’école sont en tête des préoccupations des Français.es. L’école est un lieu de vie propice à la prévention. Elle permet le repérage et la prise en charge des troubles de toute nature qui peuvent affecter la santé des 12 millions d’élèves qu’elle scolarise pour une durée de plus de 18 ans en moyenne. Elle est, pour des populations fragilisées ou dans certaines zones en difficultés, la seule garantie d’accès à un suivi médical. Pour le CESE, la santé des élèves est un des déterminants de la réussite scolaire. …


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