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The report, The Crisis in the Classroom: The State of the World’s Toilets 2018, reveals the countries where children are struggling most to access a toilet at school and at home, and highlights those that have made good progress. It calls on governments to take urgent action to make decent toilets normal not just for children but for everyone everywhere by 2030.
This document presents recommended core questions to support harmonised monitoring of WASH in schools as part of the SDGs. The questions map to harmonised indicator definitions of “basic” service and to service ladders that can be used to monitor progress. They are intended for use in national or sub-national facility surveys and census questionnaires. If national and sub-national surveys use the questions and response categories in this guide, it will help to improve survey comparability over time and between countries, as well as harmonise data with the SDG definitions for WASH in schools.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are responsible for monitoring global progress towards water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. The global effort to achieve sanitation and water for all by 2030 is extending beyond the household to include institutional settings, such as schools, healthcare facilities and workplaces. This joint report is the first comprehensive global assessment of WASH in schools and establishes a baseline for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) period.
The iCAN package aims to help address the challenges facing adolescents and young people living in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region. It has been designed to support young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) and those who work with them, to help them understand their HIV positive status and empower them to plan their lives in ways that protect both their own health and that of others. The package can be used to complement existing materials focusing on sexual and reproductive health and HIV, and other youth-focused packages produced by partners working with YPLHIV. …
Le but de ce document est d'expliquer comment et pourquoi la promotion de la santé en milieu scolaire est importante ; de montrer à quel point une politique d’établissement cohérente et une bonne direction et un bon encadrement sont essentiels ; et de rappeler que la promotion de la santé en milieu scolaire se fonde sur des données scientifiques validées et des pratiques de qualité identifiées dans le monde entier. …
The report sets out the status of women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health, and on health systems and social and environmental determinants. Regional dashboards on 16 key indicators highlight where progress is being made or lagging. There is progress overall, but not at the level required to achieve the 2030 goals. There are some areas where progress has stalled or is reversing, namely neonatal mortality, gender inequalities and health in humanitarian settings. …
Sexuality education, which ideally should be comprehensive as well as age- and development-appropriate, is a crucial factor in protecting the health and well-being of children and young people as well as supporting them in their sexual and overall development. The present assessment on the state of sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia was commissioned by the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) in close cooperation with the International Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network (IPPF EN). …
The government’s plan for action to significantly reduce childhood obesity by supporting healthier choices.
Le programme national VIH et autres infections sexuellement transmissibles 2011–2017 (PNVI en abrégé) vise à améliorer la santé sexuelle de la population suisse. Il se fonde sur les principes juridiques de la loi sur les épidémies et intervient au niveau de la lutte contre les maladies : le PNVI est une stratégie nationale pour prévenir, diagnostiquer et traiter le VIH et autres infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST), telles que les chlamydias, la gonorrhée, les hépatites, le papillomavirus humain, la lymphogranulomatose vénérienne, l’herpès, etc. …
Le 20 mars 2015, le Parlement a transmis le postulat 14.4115 Regazzi « Faire vérifier par une commission indépendante les thèses défendues par la fondation SANTÉ SEXUELLE Suisse quant au développement sexuel de l'enfant et de l'adolescent ». Ce postulat demande au Conseil fédéral de faire vérifier les théories sur lesquelles se base la fondation SANTÉ SEXUELLE Suisse (SSS) par une commission d'experts indépendante, composée de médecins, de psychologues du développement et de spécialistes en pédagogie générale, et de présenter les conclusions de cette commission sous la forme d'un rapport . …
La santé et l’école sont en tête des préoccupations des Franç L’école est un lieu de vie propice à la prévention. Elle permet le repérage et la prise en charge des troubles de toute nature qui peuvent affecter la santé des 12 millions d’élèves qu’elle scolarise pour une durée de plus de 18 ans en moyenne. Elle est, pour des populations fragilisées ou dans certaines zones en difficultés, la seule garantie d’accès à un suivi médical. Pour le CESE, la santé des élèves est un des déterminants de la réussite scolaire. …
Ghana has been widely acknowledged as one of sub-Saharan Africa’s ‘rising stars’ during the era of the Millennium Development Goals, and has made substantial progress in improving access to health care and education over the past two decades. However, a step change is now needed to ‘reach the furthest behind first’, as committed in Agenda 2030, if Ghana is to leave no one behind in its progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. …
The Disease Control Priorities (DCP) series established in 1993 shares this philosophy and acts as a key resource for Ministers of Health and Finance, guiding them toward informed decisions about investing in health. The third edition of DCP rightly recognizes that good health is but one facet of human development and that health and education outcomes are forever intertwined. The Commission report makes clear that more education equates with better health outcomes. …
This literature review examines the determinants and impacts of menstrual hygiene management (MHM), and effective interventions for improving MHM globally and in the Pacific. The review also seeks to describe Australian Government programming relevant to MHM in the three research countries and to identify opportunities for MHM programming.
Managing menstruation hygienically, effectively and with dignity can be challenging for girls and women in low and middle-income countries. Currently there is limited research on menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in the Pacific region. This report presents findings from research that was undertaken in Fiji in November 2016. The study is part of a larger piece of work which includes the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, and is funded through the Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). …