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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Review of the evidence on sexuality education: report to inform the update of the UNESCO International technical guidance on sexuality education

    UNESCO published the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (ITGSE) in 2009. In 2016, they sought an external consultant to update its content to reflect the evidence and lessons learned since the original publication.

  2. Strengthening access to quality comprehensive sexuality education: lessons learned and recommendations

    In December of 2013, Zambia and nineteen other countries in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region affirmed and endorsed their joint commitment to deliver CSE and SRHR services for young people (the East and Southern Africa Commitment on CSE and SRH services for young people). Since then, in Zambia, CSE has been integrated in the curriculum, but there is no plan on realistic implementation to achieve its core objectives. Evidence is limited on what CSE and wider SRHR provision (information and access to services) is available to young people. …

  3. Qualité de vie à l’école : comment l’école peut-elle proposer un cadre de vie favorable à la réussite et au bien-être des élèves ?

    Le concept de la qualité de vie s’est beaucoup développé depuis les trois dernières décennies. Les systèmes éducatifs ont progressivement pris en compte des objectifs plus larges que les résultats scolaires, en intégrant l’épanouissement personnel afin d’aider l’élève à se réaliser scolairement et plus tard dans sa vie, et à devenir un citoyen accompli. De nombreuses recherches internationales ont été réalisées sur cette thématique. Mais deux domaines de la qualité de vie à l’école restaient encore peu explorés en France : la restauration et l’architecture scolaires. …

  4. Bien-être des élèves à l’école et promotion de leur santé. synthèse de la littérature internationale pour le Conseil National d’Évaluation du Système Scolaire (CNESCO)

    L’état de santé des élèves est une composante majeure de leur bien-être. A ce titre, il est nécessaire de développer chez les jeunes les connaissances et comportements favorables à leur santé. Or, l’école est le lieu le plus favorable à cela : d’une part, l’élève y passe plus d’un tiers de son temps éveillé ; d’autre part, elle est le lieu le plus indiqué pour une acquisition égalitaire des connaissances et comportements favorables à la santé, en s’adressant aux élèves issus de différents milieux familiaux et socio-économiques. …

  5. HIV/AIDS and teacher absenteeism: implications for attainment of quality education in Uganda

    This powerpoint presents a qualitative study carried out in the districts of Bushenyi (rural without civil conflict), Katakwi (rural and affected by armed conflict) and Kampala (urban). It looks at the nature and magnitude of teachers’ absenteeism and the extent to which HIV/AIDS has escalated it and assesses the impact of HIV/AIDS-based teachers’ absenteeism on the attainment of the quality of education. The study also proposes functional solutions to address the causes and effects of teachers absenteeism with specific emphasis on HIV/AIDS-based absenteeism.

  6. We demand more! A sexuality education advocacy handbook for young people

    The aim of this guide is to encourage young people to stand up for their right to high-quality education on their sexual and reproductive health, and to support young people to lead advocacy efforts to improve CSE. While it is mostly aimed at young people and youth-led and youth-serving organisations, it will also be useful to other organisations, volunteers and activists who want to begin or strengthen advocacy around improving sexuality education.

  7. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health: an evidence gap map

    This report presents the findings of an evidence gap map that assesses the evidence available on the effects of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) programming in low- and middle-income countries. It documents the methods used to create the map and examines evidence clusters and gaps identified in it. While there is considerable amount of impact evaluation evidence, it addresses only some of the priority questions within this broad topic. The greatest prevalence of evidence is on sexual health education and other instruction within and outside of the classroom. …

  8. In pursuit of quality education, in pursuit of shared sustainable goals: the need to align SDG 4 (Education) with SDG 3 (Health) for the benefit of the child

    A joint statement from Education International and ASCD with the purpose to call for joint discussion, planning, and goal and systems development across the SDGs to ensure that the needs of the child are at the fore. The statement calls in particular for the alignment and integration of planning, policies, and procedures for SDG 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) and SDG 4 (Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning).

  9. Healthy, happy, safe: an investigation into how PSHE and SRE are inspected in English schools

    This report analyses over 2000 primary and secondary school inspection reports for 2015/16. The report’s main findings are as follows: -SRE was mentioned by inspectors in less than 1% of reports and PSHE in just 14% of reports, fewer than almost all other established subjects, including history (36%), geography (26%), music (31%), and art (31%). -Mentions of sexual health, safe sex, and related topics were almost entirely absent from inspectors’ reports, with only 1% of reports referring to these issues. …

  10. Evaluation de la réponse du secteur de l'enseignement face à l'épidémie du VIH en milieu scolaire au Togo: rapport d'étude

    L’objectif de l’étude est d’évaluer la réponse du secteur de l’éducation à l’épidémie du VIH en milieu scolaire.

  11. Baseline/situational study: towards understanding HIV and AIDS teaching and learning at TVET colleges

    The purpose of this study is to determine gaps and challenges as well as possible good practice in the current implementation of HIV and AIDS education in TVET Colleges. The baseline/situational analysis is intended to provide insight into barriers, and enabling mechanisms, that serve to either inhibit or promote the integration of HIV and AIDS content into the curriculum, so that HIV and AIDS education in TVET Colleges can generally be strengthened.

  12. Strengthening education in West and Central Africa by improving learners’ sexual and reproductive health

    West and Central Africa (WCA) is the region of the world with the largest percentage of young people and the highest gender disparity in education.

  13. Stonewall education equality index 2015: celebrating difference and preventing and tackling homophobic and biphobic bullying in Britain’s schools

    Stonewall released its fifth annual Education Equality Index at the Education for All Conference on Friday 10 July 2015. The Index is a comprehensive benchmarking exercise for local authorities from across the country, showcasing how well they are celebrating difference, tackling homophobia and biphobia in schools and supporting LGBT young people in their local communities.

  14. Etude sur l’enseignement des compétences de vie courante (CVC) à l’école et dans les centres d’éducation non formelle au Burundi

    Le but de cette étude est d’analyser les initiatives « CVC » au Burundi avec un focus particulier sur la pertinence, la couverture, l’efficience, l’effectivité ainsi que la pérennité en vue d’apprécier le rôle de l’UNICEF et sa valeur ajoutée dans l’appui aux efforts des institutions du Gouvernement et des ONGs afin de les intégrer effectivement dans les politiques, les stratégies, les plans et le curricula. …

  15. UNAIDS IATT on Education symposium report 2015: Good quality education for adolescent girls for an AIDS-free future

    In June 2015, the UNAIDS IATT on Education, convened by UNESCO, presented evidence and explored promising approaches to support girls’ participation in quality education at a symposium entitled Good Quality Education For Adolescent Girls For An Aids-Free Future. …


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