Bangkok: Family Health International Asia/Pacific Regional Office, 2007. 126 p.
Family Health International
United States Agency for International Development, USAID
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Toolkit offers guidance based on experiences with the CoC in diverse settings across the Asia-Pacific Region that will assist planners and managers to establish or strengthen their own CoCs. This Toolkit, which is structured in seven sections, provides ideas, strategies, procedures and tools for CoC managers to create networks that link care, treatment and support services for HIV in their own localities according to their own unique needs. Key sections of the Toolkit include (i) an introduction to and rationale for the CoC approach, (ii) profiles of the development of the CoC in five countries from the region, (iii) specific advice on how to build a CoC at the local level, (iv) a review of national-level support for the CoC across the region, (v) an overview of how CoC initiatives can be monitored and evaluated, and (vi) future directions for the CoC in the region. The need for and means of including prevention services within the CoC network are also discussed.
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