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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Training manual. Introduction to HIV/AIDS counselling skills

    Training manual. Introduction to HIV/AIDS counselling skills

  2. School-based Healthy living and HIV/AIDS Preventive Education (SHAPE). Primary level: teacher's manual

    A teacher's guide was developed as part of the School-Based Healthy Living and HIV/AIDS Preventive Education (SHAPE). The guide comprises of four sections: Healthy living and understanding your body; Health and diseases; Social skills for healthy living; and A sound mind in a sound body. These four sections cover a wide-range of topics such as physical health, common diseases, health-related social skills, and the need for mental and physical health. In every lesson, objectives, evaluation methods and follow-up activities are included to facilitate student-centred learning. …

  3. National medical standard for reproductive health, volume I: Contraceptive services

    The manual is designed to provide policy-makers, district health officers, hospital directors, clinical supervisors and service providers with accessible, clinically oriented information to guide the provision of reproductive health services in Nepal. The first section contains standards for counselling, client assessment, infection prevention, medical supervision and monitoring family planning complication management systems for provision family planning services. The second part contains national standards for specific contraceptive methods available in Nepal. …

  4. Meeting the needs of young clients: a guide to providing reproductive health services to adolescents

    The handbook was developed to help service providers and health workers strengthen the reproductive health care and services offered to young women and men. It focuses primarily on preventing unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS. It also contains information on counseling young people about reproductive health, counseling victims of sexual violence or coercion, creating youth-friendly programs and creating a referral network. …

  5. Prevent second adolescent pregnancies by supporting young mothers

    The sheet highlights the Women's Centre project in Jamaica. It focuses on prevent second adolescent pregnancies by supporting young mothers.

  6. Talking about reproductive and sexual health issues with youth: a telephone helpline

    The sheet highlights the TARSHI project in India. It focuses on talking about reproductive and sexual health issues with youth by a telephone helpline.

  7. Legal issues and school-based and school-linked health centers

    This document is an introduction for staff, advocates, and others to the legal issues facing school-based and school-linked health centers SBHC/SLHCs, with examples and discussion intended for non-lawyers.

  8. Adolescent access to confidential health services

    This document focuses on adolescent access to confidential health services. It covers how the physicians care about confidentiality, legal sources for the confidentiality requirement, minor's confidentiality and parental notification. The confidentiality and HIV/AIDS, contraception are described. Policies that promote adolescent confidential health services are also presented.

  9. The School-Linked Health Center: a promising model of community-based care for adolescents

    This document emphasizes on the school-linked health center which is a model for those who are providing reproductive health care and mental health service; or for those who are planning the community health care programmes or policies for adolescents.

  10. Take care! Health-care workers today

    This document is one of the "information books" in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior African Writers (JAWS). It is designed to provide information and raise key questions about the consequences of HIV and AIDS. The aim of the series is to empower young people, equipping them with the knowledge, attitudes, values and life skills they need to help them make positive choices and resist pressures. This booklet is intended for adolescents (11-15) and can be used as a reader to help teachers to introduce subject matter that is difficult to manage in classroom. …

  11. HIV and AIDS Education, Training Module.

    The HIV and AIDS Education Training Module is a training programme for Teachers involved in the delivery of Basic and Higher Education. …

  12. Education in the context of HIV and AIDS: a resource book

    This document was prepared by the UNESCO Abuja (Nigeria) Task Force on Preventive Education (a body set aside, to provide advice on ways to progress with the preventive education agenda). The resource book provides access to information on HIV and AIDS and is aimed at providing guidance to the relevant sectors: governmental and non-governmental organizations, funding agencies and developmental partners, parastatals and ministries, research institutions, communities and individuals, involved in conducting activities that are aimed at reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS. …

  13. PIASCY: helping pupils to stay safe (P5-P7), a handbook for teachers

    The Presidential Initiative on AIDS Strategy for Communication to Youth (PIASCY) is a strategy introduced by the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda, aimed at helping teachers to provide accurate information to young people, who are at great risk. It was initiated to encourage openness amongst teachers and students and to equip youngsters to confront HIV and AIDS through sex education. …

  14. Primary school guidance and counselling curriculum guidelines

    This guideline has been published following the revision of the National Policy on Education Government paper in 1994. Deliberate efforts have been made to integrate HIV and AIDS education in this curriculum. The aim of this curriculum is to help primary, secondary and junior school teachers to define HIV and AIDS to their students and provide basic information on how it is transmitted. This finalized curriculum is welcome as it will provide support and guidance to teachers who have been implementing the programme without support. …

  15. Youth alive initiatives project

    This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Midlands AIDS Service Organisation (MASO) targets 10 -24 year olds, in and out-of-school youth in urban and rural areas of the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. This programme aims to encourage safer sexual practices among youth, reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the general population, and promote positive living among people who have been infected and affected. …


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