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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Communication and advocacy strategies, adolescent reproductive and sexual health: case study, Nepal

    The case study describes the demographic characteristics of Nepal's adolescent population; documents their programmes in responding to problems associated with adolescent reproductive health; highlights the advocacy and IEC strategies used to promote the ARH messages; culls out the lessons learned, analyzing the factors which contributed to their successes and failures; and finally based on these experiences, presents guidelines on how to run advocacy and IEC programmes on adolescent reproductive health successfully.

  2. Communication and advocacy strategies, adolescent reproductive and sexual health: case study, Cambodia

    The case study describes the demographic characteristics of Cambodia's adolescent population; documents their programmes in responding to problems associated with adolescent reproductive health; highlights the advocacy and IEC strategies used to promote the ARH messages; culls out the lessons learned, analyzing the factors which contributed to their successes and failures; and finally based on these experiences, presents guidelines on how to run advocacy and IEC programmes on adolescent reproductive health successfully.

  3. Communication and advocacy strategies, adolescent reproductive and sexual health: case study, Thailand

    The booklet presents the experiences of Thailand in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes. …

  4. Communication and advocacy strategies, adolescent reproductive and sexual health: case study, Malaysia

    The booklet presents the experiences of Malaysia in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes. …

  5. Communication and advocacy strategies, adolescent reproductive and sexual health: case study, Bangladesh

    he booklet presents the experiences of Bangladesh in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes. …

  6. Communication and advocacy strategies, adolescent reproductive and sexual health: case study, Islamic Republic of Iran

    The booklet presents the experiences of Iran in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes. …

  7. Adolescent reproductive and sexual health, booklet 2: advocacy and IEC programmes and strategies

    This booklet describes the seven countries' responses to address the problems faced by adolescents by showing the various programmes and activities that the countries are carrying out. Each of the programme included describes the target audiences reached, the scope, type of organizations involved, their objectives, strategies used, outputs or results of such programmes and impact. After describing the overall programme details, this booklet zeroes in on the advocacy and IEC strategies which have been used. …

  8. Communication and advocacy strategies, adolescent reproductive and sexual health: case study, Philippines

    This case study focuses on adolescent reproductive and sexual health in Philippines. It includes background of the problem; policies and programmes; advocacy and IEC programmes; factors/conditions which have contributed to the success of these best practices or failure or some strategies and from these highlight the lessons learned; guidelines for implementing programmes for adolescents.

  9. Communication and advocacy strategies, adolescent reproductive and sexual health: case study, Mongolia

    This case study focuses on adolescent reproductive and sexual health in Mongolia. …

  10. Using the internet as a management tool

    This document explains the procedures followed and lessons learnt in setting up an HIV and AIDS website within the Ministry of Education in Nambia.

  11. Missing the message? 20 years of learning from HIV/AIDS

    After years of neglect, more money and political interest is being directed towards AIDS than ever before. But is today's response to the pandemic learning from the lessons of the past, lessons now stretching back over 20 years? Large sums of money have been spent on activities aiming to achieve rapid results. Often the results have been disappointing or short lived. This report focuses on the way in which the response to the pandemic has been shaped, with a particular emphasis on the way in which communication has been used. …

  12. Changing the picture: youth, gender and HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns in South Africa

    This document points out the apparent connection between gender-based violence and the high incidence of AIDS. Although it is difficult to obtain completely accurate data, there are many cases of pregnancies, STDs and HIV/AIDS in schools and among young women. There is a danger of prevention programme campaigns targeting youth that presuppose an equality between the sexes.

  13. A cultural approach to HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Handbook 1. Appropriate Communication for behavioural change information/education/communication

    This handbook is one of a series of four methodological documents: 1 - Appropriate communication for behavioural change; 2 - Strategy and policy building; 3 - Field work: building local response; 4 - Project design and implementation. Each specific handbook deals with two major topics: i) A general explanation of the cultural approach to HIV/AIDS; ii) Specific sections focus on the levels of action to be considered: strategy/policy, project design and field work. …

  14. Life skills approach to child and adolescent healthy human development

    This paper describes life skills approach as a best-practice that contribute to the healthy development of adolescents. This approach falls into three complementary basic categories: i) Social or interpersonal skills, including communication, negotiation skills, assertiveness, cooperation, empathy; ii) Cognitive skills, including problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, self-evaluation and iii) Emotional coping skills.

  15. Les pratiques d'une vie saine



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