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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. UCT inclusivity policy for sexual orientation

    Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is tackled head-on by the University of Cape Townʼs (UCT) Inclusivity Policy for Sexual Orientation, which was ratified in December 2017. The policy aims to create a campus environment for staff and students that is free from discrimination in all spheres, including teaching content and language, the university’s code of conduct, and culture.

  2. Plan d’action national « santé affective et sexuelle » 2013-2016

    Selon les principes énoncés dans le programme national sur la santé sexuelle, le Plan d’action « Santé affective et sexuelle » élaboré par les Ministères de la Santé, de la Famille et de l’Intégration, de l’Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle et de l’Egalité des chances, en collaboration avec les majeurs partenaires du terrain, entre autres le Planning familial, l’Aidsberodung et le CPOS, s’agence selon 5 axes qui représentent les différents champs d’action pour lesquels des initiatives sont prévues. …

  3. Advancing human rights, equality and inclusive governance to end AIDS: supporting countries to implement the recommendations of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law

    Despite the significant progress in scaling up work on HIV human rights, violations and stigma remain serious barriers to better HIV and health responses. Greater focus on protecting, upholding and fulfilling the rights of people living with HIV and those most affected is essential for delivering on the pledge made by Member States in Agenda 2030 to leave no one behind. The Global Commission on HIV and the Law issued its landmark report in July 2012 and made several recommendations how the law can be used to respond to HIV in an evidence informed, rights based manner. …

  4. National HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2015/2016-2019/2020

    The vision of this NSP is “A Healthy and Productive Population free of HIV and AIDS and its effects” while the goal is “Towards Zero new infections, Zero HIV and AIDS-related mortality and morbidity and Zero discrimination”. To attain the goal of this NSP, it will be implemented under four thematic areas, namely, (i) Prevention, (ii) Care and Treatment, (iii) Social Support and Protection, and (iv) Systems Strengthening. The thematic area of Systems Strengthening includes governance, infrastructure, human resource, financing/resource mobilization, monitoring, evaluation and research.

  5. HIV and AIDS strategic plan for the Parliament of the Kingdom of Swaziland 2010-2014

    The Plan is tool that will be used to mobilize parliamentarians and create a broad awareness among them of HIV and AIDS, and in particular articulate what they can do to combat the epidemic. The plan identifies and articulates critical areas of interventions where Parliamentarians can make a difference given their parliamentary and electorate mandates and comparative advantages. The Strategic Plan is organised around five components i.e. Advocacy, policy and legislation; Governance and leadership; Community outreach; Resource mobilisation; and Monitoring and reporting oversight. …

  6. A post-2015 development agenda: Lessons from governance of HIV responses in Asia and the Pacific

    The purpose of this report is to describe experiences and lessons learned from governance of HIV responses in Asia and the Pacific to inform discussions and debates regarding the post-2015 development agenda. Chapter 1 includes: an overview of progress towards achievement of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) and HIV epidemic trends and in Asia and the Pacific; key features of democratic governance incorporated into HIV responses in Asia and the Pacific; and ongoing governance challenges for HIV responses in the region. …

  7. Assessment of capacity for health policy and systems research and analysis in seven African universities: results from the CHEPSAA project

    The importance of health policy and systems research and analysis (HPSR+A) is widely recognized. Universities are central to strengthening and sustaining the HPSR+A capacity as they teach the next generation of decision-makers and health professionals. However, little is known about the capacity of universities, specifically, to develop the field. In this article, the quthors report results of capacity self- assessments by seven universities within five African countries, conducted through the Consortium for Health Policy and Systems Analysis in Africa (CHEPSAA). …

  8. Roadmap on shared responsibility and global solidarity for AIDS, TB and malaria response in Africa

    Structured around three strategic pillars—health governance, diversified financing and access to medicines—the Roadmap offers a set of practical and African-owned solutions to enhance sustainable responses to AIDS, TB and malaria. It defines goals, expected results, roles and responsibilities to hold stakeholders accountable over a three-year time frame, through 2015.

  9. Understanding and acting on critical enablers and development synergies for strategic investments

    UNAIDS Cosponsors and the Secretariat have prepared this document focused on critical enablers and development synergies as an additional component to existing guidance. The purpose of this document is two-fold: (1) to elaborate on the concepts of critical enablers and development synergies and (2) to demonstrate why and how they are necessary components of national AIDS responses. …

  10. Building strategic partnerships between teachers' unions and NGOs

    This paper lays out some of the reasons why building trust between teachers’ unions and education NGOs has not been easy. It then goes on to identify a series of issues around which joint work can be (and is being) developed.

  11. AIDS dependency crisis: sourcing African solutions

    This issues brief presents African sourced solutions to reduce external dependency in the HIV response, including: -Strengthening African ownership of development investments through utilizing more diversified funding sources; -Creating an African Medicines Regulatory Agency for faster roll out of drugs and stronger quality assurance; and -Catalysing local production of medicines in partnership with the BRICS group of countries and other emerging economies. Now is the perfect time to address these issues. …

  12. Is there an association between PEPFAR funding and improvement in national health indicators in Africa? A retrospective study

    The US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) was reauthorized in June 2008 with a threefold increase in funds, and a broader, more explicit mandate to improve health in the low- and middle-income countries that it funded. However, the ability of a disease-specific, or vertical, programme to have a spill-over effect and improve health outcomes has been questioned. …

  13. Kenya country case study: child rights

    The Kenya country case study forms part of broader evaluation of Norwegian and Swedish aid interventions in support of child rights. While Norway has opted for advancing child rights through targeted interventions, Sweden has chosen an approach that combines child-targeted interventions with the mainstreaming of child rights in all its interventions across the board. …

  14. Vietnam: Fighting a Rising Tide: The Response to AIDS in East Asia

    This publication by JCIE focuses on how governments, civil societies, corporations, and media in Vietnam are responding to the rising tide of HIV/AIDS infection that is afflicting the region. The varied responses by each society to the rising threat offer critical and practical lessons. Equally important is the increasing recognition that many problems contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS are cross-border issues that must be addressed collaboratively.

  15. Taiwan, Fighting a Rising Tide: The Response to AIDS in East Asia

    This publication by JCIE focuses on how governments, civil societies, corporations, and media in Taiwan are responding to the rising tide of HIV/AIDS infection that is afflicting the region. The varied responses by each society to the rising threat offer critical and practical lessons. Equally important is the increasing recognition that many problems contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS are cross-border issues that must be addressed collaboratively.


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