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Cet article analyse les conceptions d’enseignants et futurs enseignants sur l’éducation à la sexualité dans les trois pays du Maghreb: Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc. Un questionnaire, construit et validé dans le cadre du projet de recherche européen BIOHEAD-Citizen, a été rempli par 1306 enseignants et futurs enseignants de ces trois pays. Des analyses multivariées ont permis d’identifier des différences entre les trois pays, ainsi que certaines convergences, et d’établir des liens entre les conceptions des enseignants sur l’éducation à la sexualité, et leurs opinions religieuses ou politiques. …
School-based sex education is an underdeveloped and challenging issue to address in Iran. This paper provides insights into the main challenges in developing and implementing school-based sex education in Iran. Through an investigation of one Iranian boys' school that, in contrast to the majority of Iranian educational institutions, has an established strategy for educating its pupils on sexual matters, it is possible to critically explore the underlying principles and practice of sex education in this institution. …
Content: - Educational Formations: Gendered Experiences of Schooling in Local Contexts; Girls’ Schooling, Gender Equity, and the Global Education and Development Agenda: Conceptual Disconnections, Political Struggles, and the Difficulties of Practice; Situating Empowerment for Millennial Schoolgirls in Gujarat, India and Shaanxi, China; Engendering Agency: The Differentiated Impact of Educational Initiatives in Zambia and India; History Transformed?: Gender in World War II Narratives in U.S. …
At the 2010 Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) Board meeting, a working group on Faith, Men who have Sex with Men, Transgender People and HIV was formed to look into the impacts of faith and cultural values on the risks and vulnerability of marginalised populations such as Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and transgender people. …
The main purpose of this study is to conduct a situation-response analysis of the education sector’s response to HIV, drugs and sexual health. The objectives of this review are to: - describe and analyse the situation of HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health in Brunei Darussalam; - evaluate the status and scope of the education sector’s response to HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health; - identify the scope for improvement and prepare a set of recommendations to strengthen the existing response. In Brunei Darussalam statistical data revealed low number of HIV cases over the past 26 years. …
Using data for a large cross-country sample, a reasonable model is estimated to judge the effect of adult educational attainment on prevalence of HIV. Three main points are noted. First, there is an indication of a significantly negative effect of educational attainment on HIV prevalence. Second, magnitude of the impact appears sizable. Third, a simple test suggests that the model does not have any major specification problem. Three additional aspects may also be interesting. First, the impact of per capita income is negative but statistically weak. …
This prospective, 14-week cohort study sought to identify changes in HIV knowledge using a culturally-adapted, technology assisted educational approach in three rural Nigerian villages. One group of people were given seminar-based education, while another were given a portable, digial audio technology-based educational program, which drew on the rural culture of oral learning. The majority of the participants were Muslim (99%), male (53.3%) and lacked formal education (55%). HIV knowledge was improved by a larger degree in the technology facilitated group than the seminar-based group. …
This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) with the support of the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Female, male and transgender sex workers are disproportionately affected by HIV. These communities are also often among the most marginalized and discriminated against in society. Laws that criminalize their occupation make it difficult for them to exercise their human rights, including accessing health services. …
The national response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Malaysia, which hits the predominantly Malay Muslim population hardest, calls for greater involvement of religious authorities to enhance the roles played by the public health sector and lateral grassroots partners in addressing the issues faced by people living with HIV (PLHIV) and other most-at-risk populations (MARP). …
This report is the outcome of a month-long exploratory study on the main HIV risk factors among Moroccan and Turkish same-sex attracted (SSA) youth in Amsterdam. Data was obtained by way of interviews conducted with five experts, categorized as: academics, sexual and ethnic minority activists, and HIV professionals. Five main risk factors were determined: cultural differences; language barriers; stigma and taboo around sexuality and HIV within Islamic communities; socioeconomic marginalization; and lack of a positive term for same-sex sexual behavior and identity among the target group. …
This report aims to capture the achievements of the Regional Programme to see how UNDP and HARAPS can create a response that meets all the Millennium Development Goals. It contains an introduction on the situation of HIV/AIDS in the Arab world, an analysis of first responses, too little and too late, a full history of the building of the new regional response. This response is funded on a multi-sector approach and on country level action. …
The HIV/AIDS training workshop for Religious Leaders (RL) was conducted on 31 January 2009. The main objective is to mobilize for HIV/AIDS prevention, to raise awareness and sensitize religious leaders with regards to various aspects of the HIV epidemic, including stigma and discrimination, to become active agents in dealing with PLWH, and to incorporate HIV messages in their work in the UAE and the region. …
HIV in the Middle East is a short article written by C. Makhlouf Obermeyer from the Department of HIV/AIDS of the WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2006. It summarizes what is known about the HIV epidemic in the Middle East and north Africa region and examines the extent to which lower prevalence can be attributed to cultural factors, particularly those related to the practice of Islam and gender. …
Le VIH/sida en milieu migrant arabo-musulman en France est un rapport d'enquête mené par K. Cherabi et D. Fanget de l'association Arcat, en 1997. Il a pour but d'envisager comment le problème du VIH-sida se pose aux personnes du milieu arabo-musulman en France, tant au niveau de la prévention, de l'acceptation sociale du VIH, que du soutien ou de la prise en charge pour les personnes atteintes. Le document est composé de 2 parties principales : La première présente une analyse bibliographique de la littérature existante. …
Le manuel a pour objet d'aider les concepteurs des programmes d'éducation islamique à mieux cerner des concepts éducatifs nouveaux se rapportant à la santé génésique, la santé des adolescents aussi bien que les questions du genre social et leur intégration dans les programmes d'éducation islamique, en s'inspirant du Saint Coran.