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Die Broschüre enthält sowohl grundsätzliche Informationen als auch zahlreiche Beispiele, wie die Anliegen des Unterrichtsprinzips konkret in der Volksschule umgesetzt werden können sowie Tipps zur Elternarbeit und Hinweise auf Kinderbücher und weiterführende Literatur.
As youth, YOU are the most important resources in our countries! Your health and wellbeing will help determine the future of communities and countries in which you live. You are considered to be an ACTION FORCE, not a target group, and have a special understanding of the health and developmental issues facing you. We recognise that you need to be involved in all aspects of planning activities aimed at your age group, that is why we went to youth to find out what questions you haveabout your sexuality and HIV and AIDS! …
As youth,YOU are the most important resources in our countries! Your health and wellbeing will help determine the future of communities and countries in which you live. You are considered to be an ACTION FORCE, not a target group, and have a special understanding of the health and developmental issues facing you. We recognise that you need to be involved in all aspects of planning activities aimed at your age group, that is why we went to youth to find out what questions you haveabout your sexuality and HIV and AIDS! …
As youth, YOU are the most important resources in our countries! Your health and wellbeing will help determine the future of communities and countries in which you live. You are considered to be an ACTION FORCE, not a target group, and have a special understanding of the health and developmental issues facing you. We recognise that you need to be involved in all aspects of planning activities aimed at your age group, that is why we went to youth to find out what questions you haveabout your sexuality and HIV and AIDS! …
This paper discusses how a sociology professor at the University of Arizona coped with increasing interest among university students on AIDS. She discusses dealing with larger class sizes and the need to make sure students understood the basic biology of HIV. She designed a series of riddles that students in groups of 5 would complete in 20 minutes testing their knowledge. She would then mark the riddle answers and discuss these answers with students afterwards.
This book is intended to help young people affected by HIV and AIDS to care for others while protecting and caring for themselves at the same time. It is also intended to promote understanding of the issues around caring for those with HIV and AIDS. It can be used across the curriculum: in literacy, social studies, life skills and science classes as well as in after-school or community clubs.
Le rapport présente une expérience de préparation de documents d'éducation sexuelle répondant aux besoins des jeunes. Le concept a initialement été élaboré en Tanzanie et a, ces dernières années, été adapté à divers autres contextes africains et asiatiques. L'approche décrite suit de manière systématique un certain nombre d'étapes consécutives faisant participer les jeunes et les spécialistes de la jeunesse à l'ensemble du processus de production du matériel pédagogique.
Matériel d'information et de formation basé sur les méthodes de la pédagogie active destiné aux enseignantes et enseignants de la République de Guinée (classe 5ème et 6ème). Il contient des illustrations, des mises en situation, de jeux-tests et de jeux de rôles.
Matériel d'information et de formation basé sur les méthodes de la pédagogie active destiné aux adolescentes guinéennes (classe 5ème et 6ème). Il contient des illustrations, des mises en situation, de jeux-tests et de jeux de rôles.
Matériel d'information et de formation basé sur les méthodes de la pédagogie active destiné aux adolescents guinéens (classe 5ème et 6ème). Il contient des illustrations, des mises en situation, de jeux-tests et de jeux de rôles.
This guide offers a selected resources list about sex and sexual health for young people, parents, teachers, educators and other youth-serving professionals. The resources are divided into five sections according to type of media: video, audio, computer-based, print and web-based.
This booklet is one of an ever-growing series of easy-to-read materials produced at a succession of UNESCO workshops. The workshops are based on the appreciation that gender-sensitives literacy materials are powerful tools for communicating messages on HIV/AIDS to poor rural people, particularly illiterate women and out-of-schools girls.
Este documento foi redigido pela Geração BIZ que é um Programa Multisectorial que reúne os Ministérios da Saúde, Educação e Juventude e Desporto na promoçâo da Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva e Prevenção de DTS/SIDA entre adolescentes e jovens. E uma fotonovela destinada aos adolescentes preocupados com questões de sexualidade, HIV/SIDA, gravidez, contracepção, etc. Com uma série de diálogos entre jovens, esta fotonovela mostra várias situções de vida como por exemplo uma jovem que engravida, um jovem que aprende que é seropositivo, namorados que se preparam a ter a primeira relação sexual. …
Esta banda desenhada faz parte de uma colecçao que foi elaborada pelo Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Cubatao no Brasil. O material que é totalmente colorido e destinado a crianças e adolescentes, mete em cena sete jovens à procura de informaçoes sobre o HIV/SIDA. Neste numero, os jovens fazem perguntas a um médico por intermédio da internet. As perguntas sao acerca das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, os meios de transmissao e o exame do HIV/SIDA.
Ce document est une synthèse d'évaluation faite par le BIE. Mon bouclier contre le SIDA au CM1 est un manuel destiné à l'élève du CM1 au Tchad. Il a été élaboré par le Ministère de l'Education nationale du Tchad et la coopération allemande par l'entremise de la GTZ, en partenariat avec les services de santé, de l'administration scolaire et des Associations de parents d'élèves. Il fait partie d'un ensemble plus large de manuels intitulés "Mon bouclier contre le sida" destinés aux élèves du cours élémentaire deuxième année, et ceux des cours moyens 1er et 2ème années. …