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Building peace in the minds of men and women


UNESCO works with a wide range of partners in all of its fields of competence. Partnerships are a key enabler for meeting global challenges and generating sustainable change and long-lasting impact. Partnerships are firmly embedded in UNESCO’s way of working at global, regional and national levels. By joining forces with its partners UNESCO can leverage resources, expertise and competencies to promote all UNESCO’s ideals and values, to achieve common development goals, and to strengthen visibility and impact of its action. UNESCO offers a range of different entry points for partnerships. Sustainable Development Goals are at the heart of UNESCO’s partnership agenda.



Comprehensive Partnership Strategy

To make sure that partnerships achieve their stated objectives, they need to be carefully and sustainably managed. UNESCO’s overall approach to partnerships is set out in its ‘Comprehensive Partnership Strategy’.

Who are UNESCO’s partners ?

UNESCO has a long-standing tradition of partnering with institutions, entities and individuals of many kinds – governments, the wider UN family, other intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, Private Sector companies, corporate and philanthropic foundations, media organizations, parliamentarians, Goodwill Ambassadors and many other specialized networks in UNESCO’s field of activities such as the Category 2 Institutes and Centres, Clubs for UNESCO, UNESCO Associated Schools and UNESCO Chairs.

How does UNESCO work with its partners?

The way in which UNESCO works with partners takes different forms and includes notably:

  • Combining expertise for programme delivery through joint designing and implementation of activities at national, regional or global level
  • Direct financial and in-kind contributions, including personnel secondment, volunteers, equipment
  • Coordination and consultation on the elaboration of programmes and on development of policies, standards and norms
  • Sharing  outreach capacity and specific networks to support UNESCO’s advocacy and policy dialogue in its priority areas and countries
  • Providing and benefiting from technical assistance and advisory services

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