Cologne: BZgA, 2013. 76 p.
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Standards pour l'éducation sexuelle en Europe: conseils de mise en œuvre
Estándares de educación sexual para Europa: guía de implementación
Standard per l'educazione sessuale in Europa: guida alla realizzazione
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA
The Guidance for the Implementation of the Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe outlines the process for developing a national school-based sexuality education programme and provides step-by-step guidance on how to introduce new or improve existing sexuality education programmes. The Guidance is designed to build on a curriculum framework as a model that maps out the process of developing a sexuality education programme using this framework. This model should be adapted to reflect national differences in the education sector. The publication is targeted to decision-makers in educational programmes working on the policy level and technical working groups which translate a general framework into practical documents and procedures. The objectives of the publication are to: (1) provide guidance in the process of developing, implementing or improving sexuality education programmes; (2) provide advice about who should be involved at different stages of its development; (3) provide suggestions for seizing opportunities and for meeting challenges in the development and introduction of sexuality education programmes.
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