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This document provides an in-depth look at the current landscape of bias and peer victimization as reported by students and teachers from across the nation. In addition to examining various types of bias, including those based on race/ethnicity, religion, body size, and ability, this report provides a focused look at LGBTQ issues in secondary schools. Comparing findings to a similar survey conducted in 2005, the report discusses the progress that has been made over the past ten years, as well as highlights the challenges that remain. …
Over the last two decades real progress has been made towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGB&T;) equality in Britain. Yet, the government acknowledges that too many LGB&T; people still face prejudice because of their sexual orientation or gender identity at every stage in their lives. This includes homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HB&T;) bullying in schools, which, despite efforts, remains a problem. Preventing and tackling HB&T; bullying in schools is important because it can stop LGB&T; people reaching their full potential. …
Based on interviews with more than 50 LGBT students and former students in fourteen prefectures throughout Japan—as well as teachers, officials, and academic experts—this report documents bullying, harassment, and discrimination in Japanese schools based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, and the poor record of schools when it comes to appropriately responding to and preventing such incidents.
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), a WHO collaborative cross-national study, has provided information about the health, well-being, social environment and health behaviour of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old boys and girls for over 30 years. This latest international report from the study presents findings from the 2013/2014 survey, which collected data from almost 220 000 young people in 42 countries in Europe and North America. …
En este informe entenderemos la atención integral en salud de la población adolescente como el conjunto de acciones coordinadas de promoción, prevención y atención de la salud dirigidas a ellos y ellas y al medio en el que viven y se desarrollan, a través de una participación protagónica. …
La publicación ha sido elaborada como parte del proyecto “Educación y Respeto para la prevención y atención del bullying homofóbico y transfóbico de las instituciones educativas”, con apoyo del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Ciencia de los Países Bajos. Este documento considera un abordaje amplio de los tipos de violencia escolar que afectan la región, sobre todo la violencia homofóbica y transfóbica. Asimismo, presenta instrumentos para un mejor desarrollo y seguridad de los estudiantes, garantizando así el goce de sus derechos, especialmente el derecho a la educación.
La presente publicación El bullying homofóbico y transfóbico en los centros educativos: Taller de sensibilización para su prevención, formula estrategias de apoyo a los docentes y las autoridades educativas con el objetivo de abordar la violencia homofóbica y transfóbica desde un enfoque de Derechos Humanos.
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education compiled the attached examples of policies and emerging practices that some schools are already using to support transgender students. We share some common questions on topics such as school records, privacy, and terminology, and then explain how some state and school district policies have answered these questions. We present this information to illustrate how states and school districts are supporting transgender students. …
No country can achieve inclusive and equitable quality education if its own students are discriminated against or experience violence based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity - a type of violence often referred to as homophobic and transphobic violence and which is found prevalent in all educational settings in many countries. …
The Call for Action by Ministers, the first of its kind on homophobic and transphobic violence in education, was issued on the final day of the 17-18 May 2016 UNESCO event. The purpose of the meeting, was to raise political momentum for a meaningful agreement to tackle this violence in educational settings. It drew together Ministers and representatives from government, civil society, UN agencies and other multi-lateral agencies.
This research report is the outcome of nation-wide research on the bullying faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people during their attendance at school in Cambodia, and its long-term effects. The report presents the findings of the nation-wide survey, focus group discussions (FGDs), interviews, and from desk research comprising studies from around the world, and also offers recommendations on how to systematically address the issue of bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression (SOGIE) in the Cambodian education system. …
The Safe Space Kit is designed to help educators create a safe space for LGBT students. One of the most effective ways for an educator to create a safe space is to be a supportive ally to LGBT students. The guide is designed for school staff who wish to support LGBT students and create a safe space for all students, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
The use of homophobic language has a negative impact on gay young people, making them feel less happy at school and less likely to reach their full potential. In the worst cases, homophobic language impacts on young people’s mental health and wellbeing. This guide provides teachers and school leaders with straightforward practical ways to prevent and tackle homophobic language. …
Stand up for us aims to help schools challenge and respond to homophobia in the context of developing an inclusive, safer and more successful school environment for all. The issues and practical approaches outlined in this resource apply equally to early years settings, primary, secondary and special schools, off-site units and pupil referral units. It is intended for anyone who works in these settings.
The IGLYO Teacher’s Guide to Inclusive Education is a resource specifically aimed at teachers in primary and secondary schools across Europe. The Guide provides practical advice for teachers so that they can be more inclusive of all students, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression through a human rights-based approach.