National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council, 2011. 77 p.
Zambia. National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
This National HIV/AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (MEP) is a companion to the new National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework (NASF) for the period 2011-2015. The goal of the plan is to enable NAC and its partners to monitor the spread of the epidemic, to measure the efficiency of the national response to HIV and AIDS, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the national response using relevant, timely, and accurate HIV and AIDS data. The M&E plan is organised in five sections as follows: 1. Introduction. 2. Review of the national M&E system. 3. Objectives and goals of the M&E plan. 4. What will be measured with the M&E system. 5. How the M&E system will function. Annexure: Detailed description of typical content of each section, checklists, and explanatory matrixes.
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