IATT on Children and HIV and AIDS, 2013. 83 p.
Long, Sîan
Bunkers, Kelley
Inter-Agency Task Team on Children and HIV and AIDS
The study aims to better understand the ways in which child protection systems can respond to the needs of children living with and affected by HIV and how those working on issues related to this specific group of children can give greater attention to child protection issues.
This paper seeks to identify which HIV-specific issues are of relevance to child protection programming, and vice versa. It then identifies practical ways in which both the child protection and HIV sectors can combine their comparative expertise and approach collectively, to build or strengthen child protection systems that meet the needs of all children at risk of abuse, violence, exploitation and neglect, while at the same time meeting the unique needs of HIV-affected children and those children who are at increased risk of both HIV infection and protection abuses – many of whom frequently or purposely turned away from the formal system, such as children on the move, sexually exploited children and children on the streets. The first section provides an overview of current trends in HIV and child protection systems strengthening. It highlights some of the key themes common to both child protection and child-focused HIV programming. Section 2 summarizes recent evidence on the linkages between HIV and child protection. Section 3 suggests some practical entry points for the HIV and child protection sectors to promote greater synergies. Section 4 proposes recommendations for policymakers, practitioners and researchers working on child protection systems and focused on children affected by HIV at national and global levels. The recommendations aim to enhance synergies between child protection and HIV that should result in increased resilience, protection and well-being for children.
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