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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth in Cambodia: analysis of 2000-2014 Cambodia Demographic and Health survey data

    This report presents findings from a secondary analysis of four waves of the Cambodia Demographic and Health Surveys, 2000 to 2014, with support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Australian in Cambodia. One aim of this report was to describe the current state of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth in Cambodia and this was achieved through the analysis of data on young women aged 15-24 years from the four Cambodian Demographic and Health Surveys (CDHS) conducted in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2014. …

  2. Third national sexually transmissible infections strategy 2014-2017

    The Third National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2014-2017 is one of five strategies aiming to reduce sexually transmissible infections (STI) and blood borne viruses (BBV), and the morbidity, mortality and personal and social impacts they cause.

  3. Strengthening education in West and Central Africa by improving learners’ sexual and reproductive health

    West and Central Africa (WCA) is the region of the world with the largest percentage of young people and the highest gender disparity in education.

  4. Myanmar. Demographic and Health Survey 2015-16. Key indicators report

    The 2015-16 Myanmar Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) is the first Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in Myanmar. The primary objective of the 2015-16 MDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. …

  5. A tool for strengthening gender-sensitive national HIV and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) monitoring and evaluation systems

    The tool is structured into four modules. Each module offers practical and concrete aids, such as checklists, examples and tables. Module 1 adapts the public health questions approach to M&E; to provide users with a logical framework for monitoring and evaluating the impact of gender inequality on HIV and SRH outcomes and programme responses. Module 2 guides users in selecting indicators that help answer questions about gender inequality and HIV or SRH. Module 3 helps users to conduct gender analysis and interpret data gathered using gender sensitive indicators. …

  6. Let’s step up and deliver!

    This call for action was formulated by the Ministers of Education, Health, Gender, and Youth and senior government officials, gathered in Durban, South Africa, on 18 July 2016 for the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Ministerial Commitment Progress Meeting in order to commit themselves to step up efforts to ensure adolescents’ and young people’s access to good quality CSE and youth-friendly SRH services in the ESA region, and to work in partnership with young people, parents, civil society, and community and religious leaders to achieve the goals set out in the 2013 ESA Commitment.

  7. Sexual and reproductive health and rights and the global goals

    This publication provides a comprehensive overview for activists and policy experts on sexual and reproductive health and rights and how they are reflected in the SDGs and defined by the United Nations.

  8. Detailed methodology for systematic reviews of interventions to improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people in low- and middle-income countries

    The goal of this project was to systematically review and compile evidence on interventions in low- and middle-income countries, which targeted three adverse health-related outcomes for young people (ages 10–24): (1) early pregnancy and repeat pregnancy; (2) child marriage; and (3) sexually transmitted infections including human immunodeficiency virus. The authors searched the gray and published literature to identify interventions and developed a scoring system to assess whether these interventions and their evaluations were of high quality. …

  9. Interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, among young people in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of the published and gray literature

    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, are prevalent among adolescents and can have lasting adverse health consequences. The objective of this review is to identify high-quality interventions and evaluations to decrease STI transmission and related risky behaviors among young people in low- and middle-income countries. PubMed, Embase, PsycInfo, Cinahl Plus, Popline, and the Cochrane Databases were searched without language limitations for articles published through November 2015. Gray literature was searched by hand. …

  10. National sexual health strategy 2015 - 2020 and action plan 2015 - 2016

    The strategic goals of the Strategy are: Everyone in Ireland will receive comprehensive and age-appropriate sexual health education/information and will have access to appropriate prevention and promotion services; Equitable, accessible and high quality sexual health services, which are targeted and tailored to need, will be available to everyone; and Robust and high quality sexual health information will be generated to underpin policy, practice, service planning and strategic monitoring. …

  11. Review of the life skills education programme: Maldives

    The Maldivian Ministry of Education (MoE) has initiated an extra-curricular Life Skills Education (LSE) Program for secondary schools students and out of school children in 2004. This program was developed with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and focused on aspects related to Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health. …

  12. The national sexual and reproductive health policy

    The policy is developed as an integral part of the National Development Policy, "Vision 2020" and The White Paper on Health Sector Development and Reform of 2002. It also responds to the recommendations of the National Youth and Gender Policies. It provides the guiding principles and appropriate strategies for planning, allocation of resources, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Sexual and reproductive Health services.

  13. Rwanda demographic and health survey 2014/2015

    The main objective of the 2014-15 RDHS was to obtain current information on demographic and health indicators, including family planning; maternal mortality; infant and child mortality; nutrition status of mothers and children; prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care; childhood diseases; and pediatric immunization. In addition, the survey was designed to measure indicators such as domestic violence, the prevalence of anemia and malaria among women and children, and the prevalence of HIV infection in Rwanda. …

  14. Kenya demographic and health survey 2014

    he 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) was designed to provide information to monitor and evaluate the population and health situations in Kenya and to be a follow-up to the previous KDHS surveys. In addition, it provides information on indicators previously not collected in KDHS surveys, such as fistula and men’s experience of domestic violence. Finally, the 2014 KDHS is the first such survey to provide estimates for selected demographic and health indicators at the county level. …

  15. Enhancing sexual and reproductive health and well-being of young people: building common ground between the United Nations and faith-based development partners

    Adolescence is a time of great change and growth, when young people are negotiating a range of influences, including religious ones. Strategies, including work on sexual and reproductive health, which seek to support the wellbeing and dignity of adolescents and youth, need to give greater consideration to internal and external drivers of wellbeing generated by religion, spirituality and the work of faith-based organizations (FBOs). …


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