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Cette brochure sur la santé reproductive des adolescents est le dernier d'une série de quatre, produite dans le cadre du programme d'orientation, de conseil et de développement de la jeunesse pour l'Afrique. Il traite des risques et des conséquences d'une grossesse précoce.
Cette brochure sur la santé reproductive des adolescents est le troisième d'une série de quatre produite dans le cadre du programme d'orientation, de conseil et de développement de la jeunesse pour l'Afrique. Elle traite de la galanterie, du respect dû à la femme, des injures et du langage ordurier.
Cette brochure sur la santé reproductive des adolescents est le second d'une série de quatre produite dans le cadre du programme d'orientation, de conseil et de développement de la jeunesse pour l'Afrique. Elle traite de la timidité et des fugues.
Ce module de formation en santé reproductive des adolescents au Sénégal vise à amener ces derniers à se prendre en charge par la connaissance et le respect de soi et, la confiance en soi ; par la gestion des problèmes liés à la puberté à travers l'éducation à la vie familiale et en matière de population.
This booklet describes fourteen countries' response to address the problems faced by adolescents by showing the various programmes and activities that the countries are carrying out. Each of the programme included describes the target audiences reached, the scope, type of organizations involved, their objectives, strategies used, outputs or results of such programmes and impact. After describing the overall programme details, this booklet zeroes in on the advocacy and IEC strategies, which have been used. …
Cette étude de cas présente l'expérience du Sri Lanka en matière de planification et d'exécution des stratégies de défense et d'IEC en faveur de la promotion des Programmes de santé de la reproduction chez les adolescents. Il contient : 1. Caractéristiques démographiques des adolescents, 2. Réponses aux questions de santé de reproduction des adolescents, 3. Stratégie de promotion et d'IEC et 4. Orientations pour exécuter des programmes d'activités similaires.
The consultation was organized to explore the specific needs of ethnic minority communities in European countries for culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV/AIDS and sexual health services. Further, it aimed to develop a context for collaborative and integrated approaches towards improving and enhancing such services. …
This guide is aimed to provide information, ideas and suggestions for those who work with clients (young people, male and female, individuals and couples) and who want to improve their knowledge and skills in counselling in STI/HIV prevention, safer sex, pre and post HIV antibody testing and other issues related to the subject. Depending on the needs, the reader may use this guide in different ways. Some may find information on particular issues of interest to them, others may use the guideline to improve their skills or as a training tool for their staff.
This study explores the path from policy to practice of sexual health education in Zimbabwe, in order to identify the barries to programme implementation and key elements of success. Zimbabwe relatively high secondary school enrollment rates make secondary school a potential source for providing young people with the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves from risks and lead healthy lifestyles.
This paper provides results from qualitative research in Uganda which highlights the inherent contradiction of trying to promote adolescent sexual health with its messages of equality in partnerships when the school culture clearly promotes male domination and leadership. Offers practical suggestions for MoE to address inequality in schools and to advance democratic learning.
This is a cross-sectional study to determine modern contraceptive use among women aged between 15 and 19 years. This study was carried out between September and October of 1991 in five East, Central and Southern African countries, both in urban and rural areas.
What people do when they have symptoms or suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) has major implications for transmission and, consequently, for disease control. Delays in seeking and obtaining diagnosis and treatment can allow for continued transmission and the greater probability of adverse sequelae. An understanding of health seeking behaviour is therefore important if STD control programmes are to be effective. However, taboos and stigma related to sex and STD in most cultures mean that gaining a true picture is difficult and requires considerable cultural sensitivity. …