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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Counselling and voluntary HIV testing for pregnant women in high HIV prevalence countries: elements and issues

    Ce document donne des orientations en matière de conseil et de dépistage volontaire du VIH. D'abord, il donne un aperçu de l'ampleur du problème de la transmission mère-enfant. Ensuite, il revient sur les avantages des services de conseil et de dépistage volontaire du VIH dans le contexte de la grossesse, puis traite du contenu des services de conseil. Enfin, il examine les questions d'ordre opérationnel et les difficultés potentielles liées à la mise en place et à la conduite de ce type de services.

  2. A Teenage Parenting Guide: Helpful Hints for you and your family Plus A toolkit of people and organisations who can help you

    This book contains basic life skills education for teenagers and parents from dealing with adolescence, sex, teenage preganancy, abuse, nutrition and addiction to human rights, conflict in the home, marriage and legal and financial issues.

  3. Quick notes: HIV/AIDS Series: Mother to child Transmission

    Mother to child transmission is defined at HIV infection transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. Mother to child transmission presents a number of dilemmas for issue of prevention and treatment: Health progress made through breastfeeding promotion is now eroded in trying to reduce the risk of HIV transmission through breast milk; Drug trials for AZT and Nevirapine highlight the ethics of preventing transmission to child in countries where drug access is not available to mother. …


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