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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Let our actions count: reflections on NSP 2012-2016 and moving forward to NSP 2017-2022

    Let our Actions Count shares our country’s HIV, TB and STI journey and sets out our agenda going forward. We outline the progress we have made over the last five years, share what we learnt at the International AIDS Conference 2016, which we co-hosted with the International Aids Society, we identify the gaps and challenges in our response and then we set out the goals and strategic objectives for the next five years. Let Our Actions Count sets the foundation for the National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs 2017-2022 that will be launched on World TB Day, 24 March 2017.

  2. Plan estratégico nacional multisectorial de VIH/SIDA 2014-2019: Panamá

    Este Plan Estratégico Multisectorial 2014-2019 ha sido desarrollado en conjunto con representantes del MINSA, de entidades gubernamentales, de sociedad civil organizada, del sector privado y de agencias de cooperación internacional. Como resultado de este proceso constructivo, se cuenta con un Plan estratégico que toma en consideración las distintas aristas del VIH y su respuesta a nivel nacional. …

  3. The national policy for the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS and STIs: Republic of Seychelles

    The main goal of the Seychelles National Policy on HIV and AIDS and Other STIs is to prevent and control the spread of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, and to care for those infected and affected by them. This goal will be achieved through programmes and services that respect for human rights, that are fully integrated and mainstreamed and that use knowledge and experience acquired on what works and what does not work to develop and deliver services.

  4. The national strategic framework 2012-2016 for HIV and AIDS and STIs of the Republic of Seychelles

    The overall goal of the NSF 2012-2016 remains the same as in the previous NSP, i.e., to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS, provide access to treatment to PLHIV and mitigate the health, socio-economic and psychosocial impacts of HIV and AIDS on individuals, families, communities and the nation. There are 3 priority areas in the NSF 2012-2016: 1. Prevention and behaviour change; 2. Treatment and care; 3. Impact mitigation and human rights protection.

  5. Solomon Islands National HIV/STI Programme: monitoring and evaluation plan 2014-2018

    This M&E; Plan is purposed to enable the National HIV/STI Programme to work more effectively and efficiently to: 1. Gather the information needed to guide the planning, coordination, and implementation of the national HIV response; 2. Assess the effectiveness of the HIV response; 3. Identify areas for programme improvement; 4. Ensure accountability to those providing financial resources for the HIV response; 5. Provide a communication tool that outlines various roles and responsibilities regarding monitoring and evaluation for the National HIV/STI programme; 6. …

  6. A strategy for preventing and controlling HIV infection for the period 2010-2015

    The strategy is based on the prevention of HIV infections that is the most important pillar, provision of early detection of infections, prevention of transmission, provision of quick medical treatment and reduction of personal and social impact of HIV infection.

  7. Sierra Leone: national strategic plan on HIV/AIDS 2016-2020

    The goal of our 2016-2020 HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan is to achieve zero new infection, zero discrimination and zero AIDS related deaths. The main strategy will be to Test All, Treat All, and Retain All. Our approach to achieve this challenging task will be based on combination prevention that delivers multiple HIV prevention services focusing on people and places where it makes the most difference and elimination of mother to child transmission and HIV treatment as prevention. …

  8. Sierra Leone: national HIV and AIDS monitoring and evaluation plan 2016-2020

    This M&E; plan has been developed as a companion document to the Sierra Leone HIV response NSP for 2016-2020. The goal of this M&E; Plan is to contribute to realization of the NSP 2016-2020 objectives and targets, through providing an efficient mechanism to track and demonstrate the achievement. This M&E; plan is structured in 5 main components. They are: 1. The M&E; Plan – including the structure of the M&E; system, data management and storage, data flow and transmission, and data quality assurance; 2. Research studies and evaluation learning; 3. …

  9. Reproductive health policy for Seychelles

    The National Reproductive Health Policy gives a description of national sexual and reproductive health issues, outlines the objectives of the policy and provides what could be done to alleviate the problems and address identified needs. …

  10. Situation analysis of legal and regulatory aspects of HIV and AIDS in Seychelles: final report

    This analysis of legal and regulatory aspects in the context of HIV and AIDS seeks to clarify how existing laws, policies and practices and their implementation and enforcement either support or undermine an effective HIV response in the country. This is important to ensure an effective HIV response that protects and promotes the human rights of people living with HIV and of most at risk and vulnerable populations. …

  11. Strategy on HIV infection and AIDS (2011-2015)

    The National Strategy for the Response to the HIV Epidemic offers a five-year framework for development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the national response to the HIV epidemic. The general goal of the Strategy is prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections, and the provision of treatment and support for all Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. The main components of the Strategy are: 1. Prevention of HIV infection in especially vulnerable and other vulnerable population groups of particular interest; 2. …

  12. National sexual and reproductive health policy 2011-2016

    This National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy is to contribute positively to the improvement of reproductive health status of the people of Samoa, particularly women and adolescent, by listing some of the major challenges in the area of sexual and reproductive health and identifying Key Strategic Areas in addressing immediate and future actions. The Key Strategic Areas for cooperation based on a contextual analysis of the evolution in health issues in Samoa takes into account the experience of all health sector partners and relevant documents/data.

  13. National HIV and AIDS policy 2011-2016

    The overall goal of the National Policy on HIV/AIDS is to provide for a framework for leadership and coordination of the National multi-sectoral response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This includes formulation, by all sectors, of appropriate interventions which will be effective in preventing transmission of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, protecting and supporting vulnerable groups, mitigating the social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS. …

  14. National HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2011-2015: St. Lucia

    The purpose of the St. Lucia National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP) 2010-2015 is to guide the management and implementation of the national AIDS response, highlighting priorities for the allocation of financial and technical resources. The plan builds upon the NSP 2005-2009. It has been developed based on an assessment of the available evidence about the epidemic, the factors that influence the transmission of HIV in the country, and lessons of past implementation experience. …

  15. Pakistan AIDS Strategy III 2015-2020

    The purpose of the PAS III is to guide Pakistan’s overall national response for HIV and AIDS through 2020, through focused interventions with set targets, costs, roles and responsibilities. The successful implementation of PAS III involves multiple stakeholders to achieve priority outcomes outlined in the Strategy. The Strategy focuses on allocating limited resources to scale up high-impact, high-value interventions such as HTC and treatment to reduce AIDS related deaths and new HIV infections. …


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