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Volumen I: Plan Estratégico Nacional Multisectorial que describe los aspectos transversales considerados en el plan, las metas e impacto esperado. Además incluye un análisis de la situación y el contexto epidemiológico del país en relación a la epidemia de VIH-sida e ITS. Asimismo, contiene la sección específica de planificación estratégica con sus 5 ejes estratégicos: Prevención del VIH e ITS; Atención integral del VIH/sida, coinfección VIH-TB e ITS; Derechos Humanos; Sostenibilidad de la Respuesta Nacional y Sistema de Información Estratégica. Adicionalmente incluye el costeo del Plan. …
El Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador y el Programa Nacional de Prevención y Control del VIH-sida, en un proceso consensuado entre el sector público y sus asociados, elaboró en el año 2007 el Plan Estratégico de la Respuesta Nacional al VIH 2007-2015 (PEM). …
Twenty seven years have elapsed since the first HIV case was reported in Fiji in 1989. Since then, in recognising HIV and AIDS as a development issue, the Government, through the collaboration of stakeholders and the coordination of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, has sustained a national response, in conformity with the changing profile of the epidemic. As with the previous National Strategic Plan (NSP) for STIs, HIV & AIDS, this strategic plan has been updated and expanded to ensure that the response reaches beyond the health sector. …
El Plan Estratégico Nacional para la Respuesta a las ITS y al VIH-SIDA (PEN) recopila la visión, las estrategias y los resultados principales de la Respuesta Nacional para el periodo 2015-2018.
The NSP Working Group met from June 2012 to October 2013 and identified the following priority areas for the Cook Islands Integrated National Strategic Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health. These priority areas are integrated with each other and not prioritised within themselves; each is as important as the others: leadership and policies, prevention and gender rights, program integration, comprehensive management of STIs and family planning, reproductive health and gender based violence.
The Conceptual Framework for Elimination of New HIV infections in Cambodia by 2020 is an important document that recommends key strategies and cost effective and high quality package of priority activities. With the aim of reaching Zero New HIV Infections, and in line with the 2012 WHO guidance the following interventions are being considered: accelerating HIV case detection among most-at-risk populations (MARPs), pregnant women, and partners of PLHIV on care and the immediate initiation of ART as Prevention.
The National HIV Risk Reduction Strategy for Most At Risk & Especially Vulnerable Adolescents to HIV & AIDS in Bangladesh (2013-2015) was informed by the result of the Mapping and Size Estimation of Most At Risk Adolescents in Bangladesh conducted in 2011 with support from UNICEF. This strategy emphasizes key actions to improve legislation, policy and programmes to reduce risk and protect MARA/EVA in Bangladesh from HIV and AIDS. …
Belize has formulated its third HIV National Strategic Plan (NSP), which spans the period 2016-2020 and which connects the HIV response to the national response to Tuberculosis (TB). The plan aims to be a user-friendly tool to guide the national response to HIV and TB, turning a number of core intervention targets into a blueprint for action. The NSP 2016-2020 confirms the need to narrow the intervention focus as the epidemic has evolved into one that is concentrated in the population of men who have sex with men. …
The Third National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2014-2017 is one of five strategies aiming to reduce sexually transmissible infections (STI) and blood borne viruses (BBV), and the morbidity, mortality and personal and social impacts they cause.
Este documento concentra el esfuerzo de los actores claves que, en Panamá, están involucrados con la respuesta nacional a la epidemia de VIH ; ha sido elaborado con la metodología de ASAP y es parte de la herramientas técnicas que, bajo un concepto totalmente estratégico, estamos presentando para fortalecer la toma de decisiones, fundamentadas en la planeación estratégica basada en evidencias y orientada a resultados. [...] El documento consta de tres componentes : Análisis del entorno, análisis de situación y análisis de la respuesta. …
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to national AIDS programmes and partners on the use of indicators to measure and report on the country response.
This call for action was formulated by the Ministers of Education, Health, Gender, and Youth and senior government officials, gathered in Durban, South Africa, on 18 July 2016 for the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Ministerial Commitment Progress Meeting in order to commit themselves to step up efforts to ensure adolescents’ and young people’s access to good quality CSE and youth-friendly SRH services in the ESA region, and to work in partnership with young people, parents, civil society, and community and religious leaders to achieve the goals set out in the 2013 ESA Commitment.
Esta resolución aprueba la directiva que norma la campaña educativa nacional de sensibilización y promoción para una vida sin drogas “Estudiantes Sanos, Libres de Drogas”, que forma parte de la presente resolución.
The strategic goals of the Strategy are: Everyone in Ireland will receive comprehensive and age-appropriate sexual health education/information and will have access to appropriate prevention and promotion services; Equitable, accessible and high quality sexual health services, which are targeted and tailored to need, will be available to everyone; and Robust and high quality sexual health information will be generated to underpin policy, practice, service planning and strategic monitoring. …
Implementation of the School-Based HIV and AIDS Education Program (SBHAEP) of the Department of Education. Department order No. 47, Series of 2012