2004. 55 p.
Hempstone, Hope
Diop-Sidibé, Nafissatou
Seifert Ahanda, Kim
Lauredent, Elsie
Heerey, Michelle
United States Agency for International Development, USAID
This literature review was conducted using the PubMed database, the Center for Communication Programs (CCP)'s Popline service, and the Google search engine. Sources included in this review were limited to those published after 1990 in English or French. The review contains a bibliography and a is divided into three parts: - general background and general information on sexually transmitted infections; - situation of HIV and AIDS in Haiti : response of the government, epidemiological data, pediatric, vulnerable children, sex workers, men who have sex with men, HIV/AIDS knowledge, stigmatisation and gender; - programmes : education, treatment, planning, community mobilization. In conclusion, the authors presents some recommandations.
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