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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Rethinking school health: a key component of Education for All

    For the goals of Education for All (EFA) to be achieved, children must be healthy enough not only to attend school but also to learn while there. Because school health and nutrition programs specifically benefit poor, sick, and hungry children, they can make a key contribution to achieving EFA's goals. However, children can benefit only if the programs reach them. …

  2. Directory of support to school-based health and nutrion programmes

    Building on information gathered during a previous survey (2000), this survey provides an update and overview of support to school health and nutrition (SHN) programmes in low income countries. The survey provides an analysis of the information gathered from 38 organizations and serves to highlight areas of ongoing concern and emerging trends and issues since 2000.

  3. Child-Friendly Schools Manual

    In the course of UNICEF's work during the past decade, the child-friendly school (CFS) model has emerged as the organization's signature means to advocate for and promote quality education for every girl and boy. The model can be viewed as a package solution and a holistic instrument for pulling together a comprehensive range of interventions in quality education. …

  4. National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12. Life Orientation Grade 11 Learner Workbook and Life Orientation Grade 11 Teacher Guide

    National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12. Life Orientation Grade 11 Learner Workbook and Teacher Guide are two complementary documents developed by the Department of Education of Republic of South Africa in 2007. Those documents have been developed to assist teachers with the teaching of Life Orientation in Grade 11 in South Africa. They are intended, primarily, to indicate to teachers the types of activities that can be used to address the Assessment Standards for Life Orientation in Grade 11 in a school year. A variety of relevant texts are provided along with sets of questions. …

  5. Project GLOW, Health and Life Planning Skills Curriculum

    Project GLOW, Health and Life Planning Skills Curriculum is a curriculum document developed in 2008 by PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), Mercy Corps and the Liangshan Yi For Empowerment (LYFE) Center on Project GLOW (Giving Leadership Opportunities to Young Women) with support from the Nike Foundation. The document is prepared for facilitators so they can equip and empower Yi adolescent girls with the life skills, health, and economic options necessary to cope and move beyond the challenges of urban migration and the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. …

  6. Grandmother's visit, Chela 1

    This document is part of a series of short storybooks for children which are about a 10-year-old girl named Chela. Through her own experiences and the stories of her grandmother, she learns useful lessons of life. The documents introduce issues such as menstruation, sanitary pads, private parts and wet dreams. The four booklets also discuss alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, healthy eating, sexual harassment and abstinence before marriage. They aim to provide basic information on puberty in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. …

  7. Vietnam demographic and health survey 2002

    The report summarizes the findings of the 2002 Vietnam Demographic and Health Survey carried out by the General Statistical Office with regard to demographic conditions, family planning, infant and child mortality, and health-related information about breastfeeding, antenatal care, child immunizations, common children's diseases, and HIV/AIDS.

  8. Overcoming the obstacles to EFA

    Over the past years, great efforts have been made to increase the number of children that have access to education in Africa. A good number of countries have succeeded in increasing significantly the number of children enrolled in very few years. They have done so by abolishing school fees and also encouraging the development of community schools, and/or by recruiting teachers at lower costs. More funds have been mobilized for education and national and international development. …

  9. Literature review on the impact of education levels on HIV/AIDS prevalence rates

    Education has been cited by several well-respected sources, including the World Bank, as one of the most important factors in helping to prevent this group from contracting HIV and AIDS. …

  10. Getting started! Running a Junior Farmer Field and Life School: empowering orphans and vulnerable children living in a world with HIV and AIDS

    In response to the growing number of children orphaned by AIDS, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Food Programme and other partners have implemented Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools in some African countries. These are designed to empower orphans and other vulnerable children aged 12 to 18 years who live in communities where HIV/AIDS has had a strong impact on food security. …

  11. Getting started: HIV/AIDS education in school feeding programmes

    The purpose of this document is to provide clarification for school feeding (SF) focal points and HIV/AIDS focal points on how to integrate HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention education activities into SF programmes. It presents a menu of ideas to do this. Country offices can select the activities appropriate to their needs and circumstances, as well as their capacity to undertake HIV/AIDS initiatives. …

  12. Food assistance programming in the context of HIV

    There is increasing acknowledgment in the development community of the links between food insecurity and HIV, and the corresponding need to integrate food and nutritional support into a comprehensive response to the epidemic. The goal of Food Assistance Programming in the Context of HIV is to improve capacity to design and implement food security programs that respond to HIV-related challenges and HIV programs that respond to food security challenges. …

  13. Widening the 'Window of Hope': Using food aid to improve access to education for orphans and vulnerable children in sub-Saharan

    Ce document examine les problèmes et les contraintes liés à une programmation de l'aide alimentaire visant à améliorer l'accès des orphelins et des autres enfants vulnérables à l'éducation. Ses principales parties sont les suivantes: une introduction présentant quelques-unes des difficultés qui existent lorsque l'on s'occupe de la situation des orphelins et des enfants vulnérables sur le plan de l'éducation; une description des caractéristiques des orphelins et des enfants vulnérables, y compris l'endroit où ils vivent et les défis qu'ils doivent relever; l'impact du VIH et du SIDA sur le secteur éducatif; des considérations importantes pour l'action du PAM; les interventions d'ordre alimentaire et non-alimentaire possibles pour améliorer l'accès des enfants à l'éducation, aider leurs familles et renforcer la qualité du service fourni par ceux qui s'occupent des enfants malades du SIDA et de leur éducation; et enfin, une conclusion.

  14. Bringing hope to a generation: food aid to help educate orphans and other vulnerable children

    The World Food Programme (WFP) is helping to secure the safety and well-being of orphans and other vulnerable children. WFP's nutritional support to children and their parents brings hope into lives made uncertain by the disease. The nutritious food helps keep HIV-positive parents alive longer, giving them more time with their children. Targeted food assistance also enables vulnerable children to get an education and build skills for the future. WFP food is meeting today's hunger needs as well as contributing to a better tomorrow.

  15. A humanitarian response to HIV and AIDS in education? Short-term interventions to save lives and sustain quality

    In response to the long-term strategies proposed by the Inter-Agency Working Group, this paper lists short-term initiatives that can be done by agencies and countries working together. Focus on government action and policy, decreasing risk, and improving students' physical environment at school.


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