The UNESCO Fellowships Programmes
Fellowships are an effective modality for UNESCO to enhance the human resources and capacity-building of Member States, especially developing countries. Fellowships are specially tailored training which are designed to give qualified persons practicing or intending to practice a profession in the field of the UNESCO programme priorities an opportunity to receive additional and practical training, thus contributing to the advancement and circulation of knowledge and skill promoting development and international understanding.
Resolution 13.6 of the 28th session of the General Conference requests "...the Director-General to regard the National Commission as the official channel in Member States for the submission of fellowship applications...". Thus, the UNESCO Secretariat cannot consider application from individuals. All applications must be channeled through the National Commission for UNESCO of the candidate's country and without this endorsement no application may be examined.
I. Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programmes
- UNESCO/People’s Republic of China (The Great Wall)
- UNESCO/Czech Republic Co-Sponsored Fellowships
- UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships in Engineering
- UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsoed Fellowships in Archaeology and Conservation
- UNESCO/Republic of Korea Co-Sponsored Fellowships
- UNESCO/ISEDC (Russian Federation) Co-Sponsored Fellowships
- UNESCO/Israel (Mashav) Co-Sponsored Fellowships
- UNESCO/Sri Lanka Co-sponsored Fellowships
II. Extra-budgetary Fellowships Programmes
- UNESCO/L’OREAL Fellowships for Young Women in Life Sciences
- UNESCO/Keizo Obuchi - Japan Young Researchers Fellowships