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PlacesParis, FranceUNESCO
New report! Check out the latest UN World Water Development Report, Leaving No One Behind, which explores the symptoms of exclusion & investigates ways to overcome inequalities.
https://on.unesco.org/wwdr #WWDR2019
“A lot of history told two stories − how humans eventually came to free themselves from the constraints placed on them by nature and natural causes; and how humans came to think of freeing themselves from the oppression of other humans.” Somewhere in there, humans became a geological force.
Today, we can all help be positive geological forces by joining in for #EarthHour and shutting off our lights for one hour, even something so small, when done on a global level, can make a difference.
Together let us use globalisation to #Connect2Earth. Read more about how our globalisation story has impacted the planet on a massive scale in the #UNESCOCourier: https://on.unesco.org/2WBZEkZ