2016. 34 p.
The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS
For many years now, the children of HIV-affected key populations—sex workers, transgender people, people who use drugs and gay men and other men who have sex with men—have remained in the shadows. Emerging information and anecdotal reports indicate that these children require special attention because of they may be negatively affected as result of either direct or associative relationship with their parents who are themselves members of key populations.Between November 2014 and September 2016, an international working group gathered information, analysed it, and then came together with community, funder and NGO allies to identify the key issues and develop advocacy demands—and began to draw a roadmap for an advocacy strategy. The report From Shadows to Light: Advocacy for Children of HIV-Affected Key Populations address these children’s issues and how they might be different from their peers. This report identifies main issues and associated advocacy demands.
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