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In two decades, AIDS has killed more than 20 million people. By 2020, another 68 million face premature death in the 45 most affected countries, unless concerted and effective action is taken now. Sustainable development implies a balance between environmental and economic and social development. The devastation of the AIDS epidemic is draining the human and institutional capacities that fuel sustainable development. Prevention works. Treatment and care save lives. An effective, long-term response to the epidemic hinges on recognizing and protecting people's rights. …
This report presents the outcome of the study on the identification of critical areas for capacity replenishment in the public service. This report outlines the background to the assignment, its objectives, key challenges facing the Public Service in the delivery of core services and the main findings, observations and recommendations as well as the way forward. The study covered five selected institutions, namely; Ministries of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Food Security Education, Science and Technology, Health and Population, Water Development and the Malawi Police Service. …
The public service is the biggest single employee in most of the African countries. In South Africa the public service is the single biggest employer, employing 1.037 million public servants in approximately 140 government departments at national and provincial level. The majority of departments and public servants (70%) are at provincial level and deal with service delivery at grass roots level.1 It follows that a very high number of the country's population are also dependants of public servants. …
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework that will guide the University community to develop an adequate and appropriate response to HIV/AIDS. This policy will provide an institutional response supporting the National response to the pandemic. The framework of the policy is guided by the Human Rights Provisions contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe and by Statutory Instrument 202 of 1998-Labour Relations (HIV and AIDS) Regulations, 1998. The Policy has five main components: 1. …
This Brief has been developed by the Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV and Young People to assist United Nations Country Teams (UNCT) and UN Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS in providing guidance to their staffs, governments, donors and civil society on effective HIV interventions for young people in workplace settings. It is part of a series of seven global Guidance Briefs that focus on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support interventions for young people that can be delivered through different settings for a range of target groups.
L'élaboration du présent manuel s'inscrit dans un souci de doter le secteur de l'éducation d'un toolkit de sensibilisation en direction des enseignants en vue de stopper l'évolution de la pandémie à l'Ecole. Le présent module comporte sessions tenant compte des différentes cibles.
TIWOLOKE (Stepping Stones) is a workplace-focused behaviour change model targeting primary school teachers in Malawi's education system. Implemented since 2006 by ActionAid in Malawi with support from Malawi's National AIDS Commission and the UK's Department for International Development (DfID), the intervention has reached 7,600 teachers in its first phase. TIWOLOKE has also supported the development of T'LIPO, the country's first national network of teachers living positively with HIV and AIDS, which has recruited 2, 500 teachers since June 2007. …
According to the 2006 National HIV sentinel survey, Namibia has an HIV prevalence rate of 19.9% thus calling for all sectors, including NANTU as the main player in education sector (which is social transformation tool), to mainstream HIV and AIDS into all strategies and programs to address and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in society. …
This policy has been developed to address the crisis imposed by the pandemic in the public sector. It aims at providing guidance to the management of employees who are infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and prevention of further infections. The policy also defines the public sector's position and practices for the multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS pandemic. …
En Honduras, 9 de cada 10 personas que viven con VIH/SIDA se encuentran ubicadas en la edad económicamente más productiva (15-49 años de edad). La epidemia afecta con mayor fuerza a los grupos más vulnerables de la sociedad, afectándose mutuamente los problemas existentes de pobreza, la protección social inadecuada, las desigualdades de género y el trabajo infantil con la situación de la epidemia. …
La mortalidad a causa de la epidemia VIH/SIDA, tiene importantes consecuencias en el lugar de trabajo, ya que la mayoría de las PVVS son personas en edad de mayor productividad. Por lo tanto, causa una pérdida de destrezas y experiencia, e influye en una variación de la distribución de edades y sexo en la fuerza laboral. …
Con el fin de profundizar la toma de conciencia, el diálogo y la acción, la OIT convocó el Seminario Tripartito Subregional de Información y Sensibilización sobre Políticas y Programas Laborales de Lucha contra el VIH/SIDA en Centroamérica, Haití, Panamá y República Dominicana, que tuvo lugar en San José de Costa Rica, en setiembre de 2005. …
Parámetros o indicadores más frecuentes de discriminación y exclusión laboral por VIH/SIDA que enfrentan los trabajadores en Honduras.
Parte desde un vistazo general al marco jurídico existente y la observancia de los derechos humanos, hasta la atención que reciben aquellos trabajadores en situación de vulnerabilidad, pasando por aspectos tales como: impacto de la situación epidemiológica en la población; campañas de educación e información; atención integral; relaciones entre empleadores y trabajadores; los principios de la seguridad social; asignación de recursos de las instituciones involucradas y acceso a servicios; valores y actitudes presentes en la sociedad, entre los más importantes.
The purpose of these guidelines is to promote the sound management of HIV/AIDS in health services, including the prevention of occupational exposure. Furthermore, the purpose is to ensure that health-care workers have decent, safe and healthy working conditions, while ensuring effective care that respects the needs and rights of patients, especially those living with HIV/AIDS. …