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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are key to global development: The case for ramping up investment

    Over the last three years, the international community of civil society advocates, policymakers, donors and multilateral agencies has devoted enormous resources to negotiate and shape a new global development agenda for adoption at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in September 2015. This post-2015 development framework will build on the Millennium Development Goals, the current UN roadmap for tackling the world’s problems related to poverty, development and sustainability set to expire later this year. …

  2. Gender-responsive HIV programming for women and girls

    This guidance note is intended to guide countries on how to include a gender perspective and promote equality and human rights for women and girls in their national HIV responses, drawing upon the latest technical developments, guidelines and investment approaches. The inclusion of a gender perspective for women and girls into national HIV responses is important because they continue to be profoundly affected by HIV. As such, addressing their needs is a prerequisite to effectively responding to the epidemic. …

  3. Eliminating discrimination against children and parents based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity

    This position paper is based on UNICEF’s mandate to promote and protect the rights of all children. UNICEF will continue working to protect all children from discrimination, including those who identify as LGBT.

  4. Building a safe house on firm ground: key findings from a global values and preferences survey regarding the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women living with HIV

    It is estimated that 50–55% of people living with HIV globally are women. In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued Sexual and reproductive health of women living with HIV/AIDS: Guidelines on care, treatment and support for women living with HIV and their children in resource-constrained settings. These guidelines focused on five key areas; sexual health, family planning, maternal and perinatal health, abortion, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). …

  5. Measuring adolescent women’s sexual and reproductive health within a rights-based framework: Developing and applying an index

    To explore the feasibility of creating an easy-to-use summary data tool from survey data, we combined 16 indicators into an index measuring four dimensions of adolescent women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. The index was tested using data from 30 countries that had relatively recent nationally representative surveys and were distributed across four regions. The resulting index, denoted by the summary acronym AISAR, examines adolescents’ access to information and services, agency in sexual activity and health, and perceptions of rights within marriage. …

  6. Twenty years after International Conference on Population and Development: Where are we with adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights?

    The International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994 laid out a bold, clear, and comprehensive definition of reproductive health and called for nations to meet the educational and service needs of adolescents to enable them to deal in a positive and responsible way with their sexuality. …

  7. Sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls: Evidence from low- and middle-income countries

    This paper reviews the evidence on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of adolescent girls in low-income and middle-income countries (LMIC) in light of the policy and programme commitments made at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), analyses progress since 1994, and maps challenges in and opportunities for protecting their health and human rights. …

  8. Cross-generational and transactional sexual relations in Uganda: Income poverty as a risk factor for adolescents

    The phenomenon of cross-generational sex – defined as sexual relationships between an adolescent girl and a partner who is older, usually by 10 or more years – can be linked to many life-long consequences. …

  9. Sexual exploitation of adolescent girls in Uganda. The drivers, consequences and responses to the ‘sugar daddy’ phenomenon

    Cross-generational sex and transactional sexual relations are of significant public concern in Uganda where 11.8% of girls across the country are affected. The phenomenon can be linked to immediate and life-long consequences for both girls and boys who are affected. This study looks closely at the extent to which income poverty relates to social pressures to commit or not commit a certain behavior, which is found to contribute to this particular violation of child rights.

  10. Strengthening the protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the African region through human rights

    Strengthening the protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the African region through human rights uses rights-based frameworks to address some of the serious sexual and reproductive health challenges that the African region is currently facing. More importantly, the book provides insightful human rights approaches on how these challenges can be overcome. The book is the first of its kind. …

  11. Policy analysis and advocacy decision model for services for key populations in Kenya

    From 2010–2012, the global Health Policy Project (funded by the United States Agency for International Development), in partnership with African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMSHeR), developed Policy Analysis and Advocacy Decision Model for HIV-Related Services: Males Who Have Sex with Males, Transgender People, and Sex Workers (Beardsley K., 2013), hereafter referred to as the Decision Model. …

  12. Discussion paper: Cash transfers and HIV prevention

    This discussion paper synthesizes the evidence for the effectiveness of cash transfers for HIV prevention and explores implications and opportunities for advancing research and policy agendas. Much of this evidence centres on girls and young women, who bear significant HIV burdens, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and often have less control over their sexual choices than do men. Many forms of transfers exist that may contribute to HIV prevention. …

  13. The African report on violence against children

    The report aims to inform and accelerate pan-African, regional and national efforts to prevent and respond to the violence perpetrated against children. its continent-wide focus on the experiences of African children is unique, as is its analysis of the interaction and effect of African beliefs, behaviours and attitudes on violence committed against children. The report also aims to recognise and highlight progress achieved to date not only in the evolving understanding of the problem, but also in relation to improved actions for prevention and response. …

  14. National sexual health strategy 2011

    The objectives of this strategy include: Determining and providing educational, social and support services that match the prevalent needs by an appropriately resourced, competent and skilled workforce working within a supportive environment; Determining and providing adequate, accessible and equitable health services that match the prevalent needs by an appropriately resourced, competent and skilled workforce working within a supportive environment; Identification of the role and contribution of the media as a tool to inform and educate all the members of the population on all aspects of sexu …

  15. Sexual and reproductive health and rights – a crucial agenda for the post-2015 framework

    This report provides a compelling case for why sexual and reproductive health and rights must form essential priorities in the post-2015 framework. It examines sexual and reproductive health and rights within the global context, as well as highlighting the particular advocacy challenges, wins and opportunities that regions face. …


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