2016. 51 p.
Bhutan. Ministry of Health, National AIDS and STI Control Programme
The National Strategic Plans guide the HIV/AIDS and STI response in the country. The period of the NSP III is 2017- 2023, to synchronize with the implementation of the 12th Five Year National Development Plan. NSP III implementation will be reviewed during the midyear of its implementation (2020) for relevance and effectiveness in achieving the targets, and will be adjusted as necessary. The NSP III aims to inform national, district, community-level stakeholders and implementing partners of the strategic directions, which are to be taken into consideration when developing their respective strategies and implementation plans for HIV, AIDS and STI response. The NSP III 2017-2023 was developed through a comprehensive consultation process. It builds on the successes of the previous strategies and addresses the challenges identified in the Mid Term Review of the NSP II 2012-2016 and in the consequent consultation process. It draws on the lessons learnt from the current Global Fund grants’ implementation, and places strong emphasis on strengthening the multi-sector and civil society collaboration and engagement. The Strategic Directions reflect the priorities identified in the consultation process and the lessons learned from the previous NSP II. The strategic directions for the NSP III are: 1. Prevention of HIV transmission through outreach and in-reach. 2. Universal access to HIV and STI testing and screening. 3. Comprehensive continuum of care for PLHIV and people with STI and TB/HIV co-infection. 4. Strategic information for evidence informed programming. Crosscutting strategies: 1. Development of synergies: Governance, Partnerships and Programme management. 2. Improving Health and Community systems for health including resource mobilization for sustainability of HIV response.
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