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A seven-year randomized evaluation suggests education subsidies reduce adolescent girls’ dropout, pregnancy, and marriage but not sexually transmitted infection (STI). The government’s HIV curriculum, which stresses abstinence until marriage, does not reduce pregnancy or STI. Both programs combined reduce STI more, but cut dropout and pregnancy less, than education subsidies alone. …
This powerpoint presents a qualitative study carried out in the districts of Bushenyi (rural without civil conflict), Katakwi (rural and affected by armed conflict) and Kampala (urban). It looks at the nature and magnitude of teachers’ absenteeism and the extent to which HIV/AIDS has escalated it and assesses the impact of HIV/AIDS-based teachers’ absenteeism on the attainment of the quality of education. The study also proposes functional solutions to address the causes and effects of teachers absenteeism with specific emphasis on HIV/AIDS-based absenteeism.
Le présent module vise à sensibiliser les élèves et stagiaires dans les établissements de la formation technique et professionnelle sur les risques d’exposition aux IST/VIH/SIDA et les conséquences de celles ci. L’introduction du module IST/VIH/SIDA dans les programmes du système éducatif revêt une importance particulière pour généraliser et pérenniser dans les milieux scolaires la bonne connaissance des IST/VIH/SIDA et générer les conduites conséquentes. …
Ce guide permettra à ses utilisateurs de connaitre: -Qu’est ce que le SIDA? -Les modes transmission du VIH/SIDA; -Les moyens de prévention contre le VIH/SIDA; -Le rôle et les bienfaits du dépistage; -Les traitements existants pour le SIDA; et -Les statistiques.
Ce guide pour les professeurs offre un ensemble de savoirs relatifs au VIH/Sida et aux IST d’une manière générale. Il a été élaboré pour mettre entre les mains des enseignants un outil pédagogique d’orientation qui servira de support didactique pour une meilleure compréhension des IST/VIH/Sida par les élèves. En plus, il est prévu pour aider de former une population scolaire consciente des stratégies mise en place par le département en vue d’une meilleure protection contre les IST/VIH/Sida et prise en charge si nécessaire.
L’objectif 1 de ce module est de mettre entre les mains des enseignants un outil pédagogique d’orientation qui servira de support didactique pour une meilleure compréhension des IST/VIH/Sida par les élèves. L’objectif 2 est de former une population scolaire consciente des stratégies mise en place par le département en vue d’une meilleure protection contre les IST/VIH/Sida et prise en charge si nécessaire. …
L’objectif 1 de ce module est de mettre entre les mains des enseignants un outil pédagogique d’orientation qui servira de support didactique pour une meilleure compréhension des IST/VIH/Sida par les élèves. L’objectif 2 est de former une population scolaire consciente des stratégies mise en place par le département en vue d’une meilleure protection contre les IST/VIH/Sida et prise en charge si nécessaire. …
At the heart of this NSP is the strategy to “focus for impact”. Eight goals are set: (1) Accelerate prevention to reduce new HIV and TB infections and STIs. (2) Reduce morbidity and mortality by providing HIV, TB and STI treatment, care and adherence support for all. (3) Reach all key and vulnerable populations with customised and targeted interventions. (4) Address the social and structural drivers of HIV, TB and STIs, and link these efforts to the NDP. (5) Ground the response to HIV, TB and STIs in human rights principles and approaches. …
El presente Plan Estratégico Institucional para la Prevención y Atención y Control de ITS, VIH y SIDA, 2010-2015 tiene como principal objetivo que el desarrollar un Plan de trabajo para los próximos cinco años en relación a diez ejes que son fundamentales para el buen desarrollo del Programa de ITS/VIH/SIDA del Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social, siendo los siguientes ejes de trabajo: prevención; atención integral; reducción, contención y mitigación del impacto; garantía de los derechos humanos; pluriculturalidad; comunicación; interacción con sociedad civil; participación trabajadores …
Despite the significant progress in scaling up work on HIV human rights, violations and stigma remain serious barriers to better HIV and health responses. Greater focus on protecting, upholding and fulfilling the rights of people living with HIV and those most affected is essential for delivering on the pledge made by Member States in Agenda 2030 to leave no one behind. The Global Commission on HIV and the Law issued its landmark report in July 2012 and made several recommendations how the law can be used to respond to HIV in an evidence informed, rights based manner. …
The authors reviewed evaluations of school-based sexual health education interventions in sub-Saharan Africa to assess effectiveness in reducing sexually transmitted infections and promoting condom use.
Comment on a study published in The Lancet Global Health by Audrey Pettifor and colleagues on cash transfers, school attendance and the reduction of HIV risk behaviours in adolescent girls.
Cash transfers have been proposed as an intervention to reduce HIV-infection risk for young women in sub-Saharan Africa. However, scarce evidence is available about their effect on reducing HIV acquisition. The authors aimed to assess the effect of a conditional cash transfer on HIV incidence among young women in rural South Africa. Based on their research findings, the authors draw the conclusion that cash transfers conditional on school attendance did not reduce HIV incidence in young women. School attendance significantly reduced risk of HIV acquisition, irrespective of study group. …
The primary objective of the 2016 NDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. Specifically, the 2016 NDHS collected information on fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, nutrition, maternal and child health and mortality, awareness and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS, women’s empowerment and domestic violence, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other health related issues such as smoking, knowledge of tuberculosis, and prevalence of hypertension. …
The primary objective of the 2015 AfDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. Specifically, the AfDHS collected information on knowledge and practice of family planning, fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, child feeding practices, nutritional status of children and women, childhood mortality, maternal and child health, awareness and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS, knowledge about other illnesses (e.g., tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C), women’s empowerment and domestic violence. …