2008. 57 p.
Papua New Guinea. Government
Final draft
The Government of Papua New Guinea is committed to the protection, care and support of children vulnerable to violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect. The HIV epidemic in Papua New Guinea is not only challenging the situation for children and their protection, but also necessitates an urgent and comprehensive response. This strategy provides a clear example of this commitment. The Government recognises that the development of the nation is contingent on the improved protection of children through decisive coordinated action from Government and partners, including communities, families and children themselves. As such, the Government presents this strategy with its full endorsement as a matter of priority. The four-year goal of this strategy is to improve the wellbeing of children vulnerable to violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect by increasing their access to essential services in the areas of protection, education and health and by strengthening family, community, civil society and Government, child protection systems.
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