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The guide provides tools and instruments for both monitoring and strategic planning of improvement of the implementation of the Right to Education. The guide is both addressed to the government officials and to human rights advocates in civil society organizations. It is written with the perspective that governments and civil society organizations have a common goal: to adequately implement the Right to Education full all citizens, and that a continuous exchange of views and suggestions are the best way the enhance the (implementation of ) the Right to Education.
NCB has produced six Your Life leaflets for young people who have HIV and are aged between about 13 and 25. Most of the leaflets include stories from young people living with HIV, and all contain links to other sources of information and support. - Life Looking Forward. The leaflet covers: feeling safe and well, looking after yourself and being a normal young person, getting on with family members, becoming a parent, transition from children's to adults' HIV health services; - Sharing in Life. …
The IIEP HIV/AIDS Forum was conceived with two themes in mind - of information sharing and of community building. It aimed to create a virtual network of education professionals working against HIV/AIDS, while promoting the exchange of successful interventions, and establishing consistency within programme development. The participants represented more than 50 countries from all over the world, with more than half from Africa. Fourteen percent worked in ministries and International agencies with the NGOs, Universities, and UN agencies equally represented in the discussion. …
The objective of this cross-sectional study was to identify the sexual behavior and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) amongst 752 undergraduate university students in South Africa, using self-administered questionnaires. More than half reported presently being sexually active, the majority used contraceptives and especially used condoms. Almost a third of the sample, had multiple sexual partners, and more than a quarter of them reported to have sex under the influence of alcohol. …
Impact mitigation strategies in sub-Saharan Africa on HIV/AIDS in the education sector involved initially the development of education sector policies. This study traces the policy development initiatives, level of implementation, progress made and existing challenges. The study is based on a close (textual) reading of authoritative literature from United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), World Bank, UNESCO and UNICEF for the last decade on global monitoring of HIV/AIDS and statistical data. …
This study gives an overview of HIV, drug and sexual health education (HDSHE) in the Philippines and analyzes the education sector’s response in six areas: organizational structure; policy, planning and leadership; partnerships, coordination and mainstreaming; program response; monitoring and evaluation; and resource mobilization. …
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are among the most complex health problems in the world. Young people are at high risk of HIV and AIDS infections and are, therefore, in need of targeted prevention. School-based HIV/AIDS health education may be an effective way to prevent the spread of AIDS among adolescents. Methods: The study was a school-based intervention conducted in three middle schools and two high schools in Wuhan, China, which included 702 boys and 766 girls, with ages from 11 to 18 years old. …
Malawi is among the 10 countries in the world with the highest HIV prevalence rate, estimated at 12%. Among occupational groups, teachers in Malawi are especially at risk. Their HIV prevalence rate is 23%, almost double the national rate (National AIDS Commission 2009). However, when trainee teachers enter into Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) their estimated HIV prevalence rate is under 3%. Theatre for a Change (TfaC)has identified TTCs as an ideal environment to work with this vulnerable population before they encounter situations that will put them at risk of HIV infection. …
The primary aim of this pilot research was to develop an instrument to evaluate the impact of the Life Orientation Programme (LOP) on sex, sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Gauteng schools at secondary level and if possible at primary level. …
Young people face a variety of reproductive health risks: sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, early and unintended pregnancy, sexual abuse and exploitation. Family Life Education (FLE) in Fiji Islands is a long-term intervention strategy to deliver age-appropriate information and education on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in schools. This pre-intervention study examined the associations of gender, religion and ethnicity with SRH knowledge, attitudes and perceived behaviour of peers in a sample of school-age adolescents. …
The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) has a 'latent' HIV epidemic, with rates of HIV estimated at just 0.2 per cent of the total population aged between 15-49 years of age. However, because of its location in the heart of the Mekong, surrounded by countries with high rates of HIV in concentrated epidemics, Lao PDR is believed to be "in danger of an expanding epidemic". More than 50 per cent of the population of Lao PDR is below the age of 20 and adolescents and young people engaged in highrisk behaviour for HIV are an emerging priority across Asia and the Pacific. …
Dans le but de soutenir l’Etat togolais dans ses actions de prévention en matière du VIH/SIDA dans les établissements scolaires, UNICEF s’est engagé à appuyer l’ONG Adventist Développement and Relief Agency (ADRA) et la Direction Régionale de l’Education -Kara (DRE/Kara) dans les projets de « Réduction de la vulnérabilité des élèves au VIH/SIDA dans les Régions maritime et de la Kara » Ces interventions ont pour but principal de relever le niveau de connaissances des élèves en matière de VIH/SIDA en axant les sensibilisations sur plusieurs notions comme les voies de transmission et les moyens …
There is inadequate information on the burden of HIV infection, and on the prevalence of the risk factors for HIV transmission among University students in Uganda. Routine sources of data such as HIV surveillance and national population-based AIDS Indicator surveys do not provide information on institutional populations such as University students. Moreover, these sub-populations require interventions to address the risk factors that expose them to HIV infection in their unique settings. …
Universities and institutions of higher learning in general consist mainly of young people in the 17-24 year old category, most of whom are sexually active, and therefore most vulnerable to HIV infection. And though studies such as KAIS (2007) and KDHS (2003, 2008) have been conducted on the general Kenyan population, studies specific to institutions of higher learning are scanty, in particular, sero-prevalence data on this target group is lacking. …
While the HIV epidemic is levelling off in sub-Saharan Africa, it remains at an unacceptably high level. Young people aged 15-24 years remain particularly vulnerable, resulting in a regional HIV prevalence of 1.4% in young men and 3.3% in young women. This study assesses the effectiveness of a peer-led HIV prevention intervention in secondary schools in Rwanda on young people’s sexual behavior, HIV knowledge and attitudes. In a non-randomized longitudinal controlled trial, fourteen schools were selected in two neighboring districts in Rwanda Bugesera (intervention) and Rwamagana (control). …