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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Beyond access: Transforming policy and practice for gender equality in education

    In a world in which poverty, social prejudice, and poor-quality provision cause an estimated 100 million girls to drop out of school before completing their primary education, it is not enough for governments to pledge themselves to increase girls' access to school. This book presents a vision of a transformational education which would promote social change, enable girls to achieve their full potential, and contribute to the creation of a just and democratic society. …

  2. Addressing the educational needs of orphans and vulnerable children

    This paper was developed by the working group on education and HIV/AIDS and summarises issues raised from a meeting in London on 10 December 2003. The paper describes the educational disadvantage faced by OVC's. It goes on to look at educational responses with a specific focus on three: open and distance learning; school feeding schemes; and the index for inclusion.

  3. Address HIV/AIDS Related Problems in the Education Sector (Malawi). Concept note for the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Malawi

    Address HIV/AIDS Related Problems in the Education Sector (Malawi). Concept note for the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Malawi

  4. Actions taken by the Ministry of Education and Sports to Cope with the Impact of HIV/AIDS (Uganda)

    The HIV/AIDS epidemic is directly affecting learners, teachers and administrators in Uganda. Document lists major objectives, outcomes expected and comprehensive strategies of the Ministry of Education and Sports to combat HIV/AIDS in the education sector. Among proposed information, life skills programs, cooperation with NGOs and joint activities within the education sector to promote prevention awareness are prominent.

  5. Access and Equity. Extending access to post-primary learning opportunities: a critical analysis

    The education sector in Mozambique is looking to expand post-primary teaching and learning. …

  6. Accelerating efforts to achieve universal basic education: a critical component of the global AIDS response

    In order to expand educational opportunities for girls and orphans and reduce their risk of contracting HIV infection, the Global AIDS Alliance recommends: Eliminate School-Related Fees. School-related fees prevent millions of children, particularly girls and orphans, from attending school; Mobilize Additional Resources to Achieve Universal Basic Education. Poor countries need assistance in order to scale up and improve educational systems, as well as to eliminate school fees; Reform Financing and Delivery Mechanisms. …

  7. Différences entre filles et garçons : une revue des indicateurs sanitaires en Afrique subsaharienne

    L'étude présente certaines différences par sexe observées chez les enfants dans les enquêtes par sondage de type EDS (DHS) ou EMF (WFS) en Afrique subsaharienne. Quatre indicateurs de résultats sont analysés : les indicateurs de mortalité des jeunes enfants (néonatale, post-natale et juvénile) et la prévalence de la malnutrition. Trois indicateurs de comportements sont analysés : la vaccination, l'utilisation de la réhydratation orale et la durée d'allaitement. Enfin, les rapports de masculinités à la naissance sont étudiés séparément.

  8. Sexualité des adolescents : tendances récentes en milieu rural sénégalais

    This study presents the trend with regard to age at first intercourse of men and women in rural Senegal. The start of the sexual life of men proved to be early for the young generations. The start of sexual life of women, on the contrary, appeared to be somewhat later, in one of the sites. These results confirm that of another study carried out in another rural zone in Senegal. The underlying factors seem to be the early puberty of boys, the contact with the urban culture through education, migration and the changes of norms with regard to sexuality. The rise of the age of marriage of men, combined with an earlier start of sexual life, leads to a longer period wherein the risk of non desired pregnancies exists. It is thus important to implicate boys in the prevention actions with regard to sexual and reproductive health.

  9. Female sex worker HIV prevention projects: lessons learnt from Papua New Guinea, India and Bangladesh

    The importance of designing and implementing successful targeted interventions for sex workers as part of HIV prevention and control cannot be over-emphasised. In almost every country, sex workers comprise a focal point of the epidemic. They are the victims of discrimination, often violently intense, trafficking, legal persecution and societal ambivalence as well as one of the first occupational groups to become heavily infected. The infection passes from sex workers back to their clients and into the general population of women, men and children. One of the clearest public health lessons emerging from the HIV pandemic is that protecting the human rights of sex workers is an important means of prevention.

  10. Gender Inequalities in primary Schooling: The roles of poverty and adverse cultural practice

    This paper suggests a simple model for the relationships between poverty, schooling and gender inequality. It argues that poverty at both national and household levels is associated with an under-enrolment of school age children, but that the gendered outcomes of such under enrolment are the product of cultural practice, rather than poverty per se. Using detailed case study material from two African countries, evidence is presented to show the variety and extent of adverse cultural practice which impede the attendance and performance of girls at school, relative to boys. …

  11. Quick notes: HIV/AIDS Series: Basic Education

    This document provides an over view of international attention attaining Education for All. Education is the key to decrease in poverty and increase in health. With a focus on the girl child, there are long term implications as their increased health directory impacts on their children's increased health. These result in a depressed demand for education. Girls are a particular risk due to gender bias in the home and in the school that favours boys. Case Studies: Bangladesh: Groundbreaking work in rural education, development of relevant curricula, flexible hours and cost effectiveness. …

  12. Safe haven for girls: can teachers challenge gender violence?

    Introduces a manual developed for South Africa on how to hold 8 interactive workshops with school management to increase awareness and mobilise action towards gender violence in schools. This paper discusses current challenges for government to prioritise the problem including making it part of the national curriculum


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