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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Defeating AIDS—advancing global health

    After more than a decade of major achievements, the AIDS response is at a crucial juncture, both in terms of its immediate trajectory and its sustainability, as well as its place in the new global health and development agendas. In May, 2013, the UNAIDS–Lancet Commission— a diverse group of experts in HIV, health, and development, young people, people living with HIV and affected communities, activists, and political leaders— was established to investigate how the AIDS response could evolve in a new era of sustainable development. …

  2. Empower young women and adolescent girls: fast-track the end of the AIDS epidemic in Africa

    The purpose of this report is to guide regional and global advocacy and inform political dialogue over the coming year, including in the contexts of the African Union Agenda 2063 and the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. …

  3. Estimating the costs and benefits of education from a health perspective: background paper for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development. Executive summary

    In preparation for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development in July 2015, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) commissioned SEEK Development to conduct an evaluation of the costs and benefits of education from a health perspective. Such a study is very relevant in light of ongoing discussions around the Sustainable Development Goals and post-2015 development agenda, which emphasize the need for a stronger focus on the broader determinants of health. The study is organized around three interconnected workstreams. …

  4. Preventing child marriage in the Commonwealth: the role of education

    Preventing Child Marriage in the Commonwealth: the Role of Education is the latest in a series of reports written by the Royal Commonwealth Society and Plan UK as part of our collaboration to end child, early and forced marriage in the Commonwealth. This report draws on the substantial body of evidence linking improved education to a reduced prevalence of child marriage and seeks to answer the question: what can Commonwealth education stakeholders do to ensure that girls are able to access a safe, high quality education? …

  5. Guidelines for the re-entry policy. What happens if a school-girl falls pregnant?

    In this booklet you can learn more about the re-entry policy guidelines and what actions you can take to ensure that all children, including young mothers, get their right to education fulfilled.

  6. Análisis legislativo comparado sobre embarazo adolescente matrimonio temprano

    El presente documento tiene por objetivo principal el realizar un estudio comparado sobre la situación actual de la legislación en relación a la prevención del embarazo adolescente y el matrimonio temprano en la región de América Latina y El Caribe, que destaque la legislación existente y su nivel de adecuación en comparación a los estándares de derechos humanos en la materia.

  7. Kigali Declaration: Moving from aspiration to action to prevent and eliminate child, early and forced marriage in the Commonwealth

    This document is the Commonwealth Charter adopted by National Human Rights Institutions and members of the Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (CFNHRI) attending a working session on the imperative to prevent and eliminate child, early and forced marriage, on 5-6 May 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda.

  8. All In: #EndAdolescentAIDS

    All In! to #EndAdolescentAIDS is a platform for action and collaboration to inspire a social movement to drive better results with and for adolescents through critical changes in programmes and policy. It aims to unite actors across relevant sectors in order to accelerate reductions in AIDS-related deaths and new HIV infections among adolescents by 2020 as part of the global push to end the AIDS epidemic for all by 2030. …

  9. Teenage pregnancy strategy: beyond 2010

    This document sets out how we want to build on the key planks of the existing Strategy so that all young people: receive the information, advice and support they need – from parents, teachers and other professionals – to deal with pressure to have sex; enjoy positive and caring relationships; and experience good sexual health; and can access and know how to use contraception effectively when they do reach the stage that they become sexually active, so they can avoid unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). …

  10. Reaching out to teen mothers in Malawi

    Save the Children began working in Malawi in 1983, and in the southern Mangochi district in 1993. Among its earliest concerns in Mangochi was adolescent reproductive and sexual health. In 1999, SC launched Nchanda ni Nchanda (Youth to Youth), a five-year program that used an array of approaches to improve the reproductive and sexual health of people aged 10 to 25. …

  11. Atelier régional sur la lutte contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l'Ouest

    Cet atelier sur la lutte contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l’Ouest a été organisé conjointement par le Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères, l’UNGEI et l’UNICEF à Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso, du 19 au 21 novembre 2013. Le but de cet atelier était de servir d’outil de plaidoyer et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs et actrices étatiques et non-étatiques qui travaillent sur les violences de genre en milieu scolaire, afin de permettre une meilleure prise en compte de cette problématique dans la planification et la programmation sectorielle. …

  12. La problématique des grossesses non-desires et situation des filles mères en Afrique et dans le monde. Projet de rapport

    Allocution de Mme Marie Mariam Gisèle Guigma/Diasso sur les grossesses précoces et non desires au Burkina Faso, les causes, les consequences et les actions conduits par le Burkina Faso.

  13. Guidelines on how to enable pregnant school girls to continue with their studies

    The government is developing guidelines/procedures on how to enable pregnant school girls go back to school to continue with their studies. This document will also dwell on how to reduce/eliminate the problem of pregnancies of school girls.

  14. Getting pregnant schoolgirls back to school!

    This brief outlines the current legal situation in Tanzania with respect to attendance of pregnant schoolgirls as well as the benefits of educational attendance for pregnant school girls and young mothers.

  15. Addressing early marriage and adolescent pregnancy as a barrier to gender parity and equality in education

    Despite progress in expanding access to education for girls globally, important barriers remain. Girls’ success in school – and after leaving school – is determined in part by characteristics of and factors in her household and community. Many policies and programs are based on an assumption that continued progress toward gender equality in education is hampered by early marriage and adolescent pregnancy. While education and age at marriage (and pregnancy) are positively correlated in many settings, evidence of a causal relationship is more limited. …


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