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The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Office of the Pacific States commissioned an attitudinal survey on the delivery of Sexual and Reproductive Health (including HIV) education in schools in four Pacific Island Countries: Nauru, Niue, Palau and Samoa. This study involved 261 primary and secondary school teachers in the four countries from both government and faith-based schools. In addition, the study involved almost 350 parents, community leaders and students from across the four countries. …
The Family Life and HIV Education for Junior Secondary Schools: Students' Handbook aims to empower young people with the knowledge and skills to live happy and healthy lives. It provides answers to many of the questions young people usually have about the physical and emotional issues they face during adolescence. The handbook covers matters like setting sexual limits, negotiating, making values-based decisions, finding help, and communicating effectively. …
This study was aimed at assessing the perception of students, teachers and perception in Calabar south local government area of Cross River State, Nigeria. A cross sectional survey was employed and a structured questionnaire was used to generate both qualitative and quantitative data from 850 respondents using the multi-stage stratified sampling technique. Most students were within the age bracket of 13-18 476 (95.2%), teachers were mostly within 25-29 years 54 (27.0%) and parents were mostly 40-44 years of age 22 (22.0%). …
Purpose: One of the greatest challenges facing school nurses is that of identifying and using appropriate strategies to meet the health education needs of adolescents in regard to prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). This study examined the effects of HIV/AIDS preventive health education with parental involvement on students’ attitude toward HIV/AIDS prevention in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Methods: The study population comprised students from three of nine secondary schools in the study area. …
OBJECTIVES: This study represents a comprehensive assessment of differences between participants in an HIV/AIDS prevention program (SHAPE: Sustainability, Hope, Action, Prevention, Education) and non-participants in knowledge, attitudes and practices with a focus on cultural, sociological and economic variables. METHODS: We developed an eight-page questionnaire that was administered to 933 randomly selected students at the University of Zimbabwe. Survey items addressed sexual decision-making, condom use, limiting sexual partners, cultural power dynamics and access to HIV testing. …
Introduction: This paper reports changes in behavioral outcomes related to the use of HIV testing service of a project that employed peer-based education strategies and integration of HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services targeting young people aged 15–24 across 5 provinces in Vietnam. Methods: A pre-test/post-test, non-experimental evaluation design was used. …
Uuringut „HIV-i temaatikaga seotud teadmised, hoiakud ja käitumine Eesti noorte hulgas“ teostati 2010. aastal neljandat korda. Andmekogumist teostati kahes vanusrühmas: 10–18-aastased üldhariduskoolide õpilased ning 19–29-aastased noored. Uuringu viis läbi Tervise Arengu Instituut. Uuringu eesmärgiks on saada ülevaade Eesti noorte HIV-nakkusega seotud teadmistest, arusaamadest ja suhtumistest, seksuaalkäitumisest, kondoomi kasutamise harjumustest ja testimisest HIV-i suhtes. Regulaarne andmekogumine võimaldab jälgida riskikäitumist ja sellega seotud näitajate trende ajas. …
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Toolkit offers guidance based on experiences with the CoC in diverse settings across the Asia-Pacific Region that will assist planners and managers to establish or strengthen their own CoCs. This Toolkit, which is structured in seven sections, provides ideas, strategies, procedures and tools for CoC managers to create networks that link care, treatment and support services for HIV in their own localities according to their own unique needs. …
An information campaign that provided Kenyan teenagers in randomly selected schools with the information that HIV prevalence was much higher among adult men and their partners than among teenage boys led to a 65% decrease in the incidence of pregnancies by adult partners among teenage girls in the treatment group relative to the comparison. This suggests a large reduction in the incidence of unprotected cross-generational sex. The information campaign did not increase pregnancies among teenage couples. …
Purpose: To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of sex education conducted through the Internet. Conclusions: Providing sex education to students in Shanghai through the Internet was found feasible and effective. The Internet-based sex education program increased students’ reproductive health knowledge effectively and changed their attitudes toward sex-related issues in terms of being less liberal toward sex and more favorable to providing services to unmarried young people. …
To determine whether adolescents’ normative beliefs about abstinence and condoms, their personal risk perception, and safer sex practices changed after the implementation of a peer sexual health education intervention implemented in Zambian secondary schools.
E-discussion questions included: 1.What do you see as the challenges for young people in accessing services such as HIV testing and how can we overcome this? 2.Given that CAFOD’s HIV prevention approach is to give ‘full and accurate information on all forms on the effectiveness and limitations of all means of reducing the risks of HIV infection’ – what challenges does this lead to when working with young people? What HIV prevention work have you or partners done with young people? 3.Where is the best place for young people to access information on HIV and AIDS? …
Theatre for a Change (TfaC) is a registered non-governmental organization in Ghana which works to reduce the risk of HIV infection among marginalized and vulnerable groups through the use of interactive, participatory learning techniques. The HIV prevalence rate in Ghana is 1.37% and 11.1% among female sex workers (FSWs). In September 2012, following a period of mobilisation, TfaC began working with a group of 10 FSWs living and working in Old Fadama, Accra’s largest illegal settlement, to form the Peace and Love Club. …
The authors assess the impact on teenage childbearing as well as student knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of a typical HIV/AIDS teacher training program in the Cameroon. Applying a regression discontinuity design identification strategy based on the key administrative criterion that determined program deployment, they find that 15–17 year old girls in teacher training schools are between 7 and 10 percentage points less likely to have started childbearing, an objective proxy for the incidence of unprotected sex. …
The study objective was to assess the current status of HIV knowledge, attitudes and behavior (KAB) among employees of Namibian ministries. As most HIV campaigning takes place in the capital of Windhoek, an additional aim was to compare Windhoek to four regions (Hardap, Erongo, Oshana, and Caprivi). Between January and March 2011 a cross-sectional survey was conducted in two Namibian ministries, with participants selected randomly from the workforce. Data collection was based on questionnaires. 832 participants were included in the study (51.6% male). …