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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Impact of school-based HIV prevention program in post-conflict Liberia

    This paper presents findings of a feasibility study to adapt and evaluate the impact of an evidence-based HIV prevention intervention on sexual risk behaviors of in-school 6th grade youth in post-conflict Liberia (n = 812). The study used an attention-matched, group randomized controlled trial. Four matched pairs of elementary/middle schools in Monrovia, Liberia, were randomly assigned to either an adapted eight-module HIV prevention or a general health curriculum. Three- and nine-month impacts of the intervention on sexual risk behaviors and on mediating variables are presented. …

  2. Self-reported sexual behaviour among adolescent girls in Uganda: reliability of data debated

    The objective of this study was to compare self-reported information about sexual behavior in a research interview to information retrieved during a clinical consultation. Social workers interviewed 595 sexually experienced women below 20 years about genital symptoms and sexual behavior. A midwife interviewed and examined the women and took vaginal samples for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Four questions were embedded in both the social workers' interviews and among the midwife's questions. …

  3. Adolescents' perceptions of sexual coercion in Uganda

    In Uganda, HIV prevalence remains high with young people at higher risk of infection than adults. Much is known about the sexual risk factors for HIV transmission among youths, including sexual encounters that are coerced. On the other hand, relatively little is known about the barriers to preventing sexual coercion and what strategies may overcome those barriers with adolescents. …

  4. Sports for adolescent girls

    Adolescence is a time when gender disparities between boys and girls become more pronounced. While many boys stay focused on school, girls often have more responsibilities at home. These responsibilities limit girls’ opportunities for maintaining social networks, and social isolation can contribute to increasing the risk of dropping out of school, marrying early, and being in situations that leave them vulnerable to pregnancy and HIV infection. At their most recent annual meeting, the Interagency Youth Working Group focused on protecting and empowering adolescent girls. …

  5. Bridges to Adulthood: Understanding the Lifelong Influence of Men's Childhood Experiences of Violence. Analyzing Data from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey

    Great numbers of men report experiencing violence as children and these experiences have significant lifelong effects, according to the new analysis of the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) dataset included in this report. Adult men who were victims or witnesses of domestic violence as children, for instance, likely come to accept violence as a conflict resolving tactic not only in intimate partnerships but also in their wider lives. …

  6. Egypt Youth Data Sheet: Selected data from SYPE 2009

    This wall chart provides a summary of selected key indicators (marriage and family formation; knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS; attitudes toward gender role and practices; school, work and civic participation) for youth in Egypt as abstracted from the Population Councils 2009 Survey of Young People in Egypt (SYPE).

  7. Assessing knowledge, attitude, and practice of emergency contraception: a cross-sectional study among Ethiopian undergraduate female students

    The importance of Emergency contraception (EC) is evident in preventing unintended pregnancies and its ill consequences like unintended child delivery or unsafe abortion, which are the most common causes of maternal mortality. Knowing that Ethiopia is one of the countries with highest maternal mortality rate, this study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of EC, and to further elucidate the relationship between these factors and some socioeconomic and demographic characteristics among female undergraduate students of Addis Ababa University. …

  8. University students and HIV in Namibia: an HIV prevalence survey and a knowledge and attitude survey

    With an overall adult HIV prevalence of 15.3%, Namibia is facing one of the largest HIV epidemics in Africa. Young people aged 20 to 34 years constitute one of the groups at highest risk of HIV infection in Namibia. However, little is known about the impact of HIV on this group and its access to healthcare. The purpose of this study was to estimate HIV prevalence, to assess the knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS, and to assess access to healthcare among university students in Namibia.

  9. Education sector strategic plan on HIV and AIDS (ESSP-HA II) 2008-2012

    This is the second Education Sector Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS for 2008 – 2012 (ESSPHA II). It is the overarching strategy for all HIV and AIDS interventions in Education Sector whether implemented by Government, civil society, the private sector or development partners. It outlines the Education Sector’s strategic plans to address the challenges presented by HIV and AIDS. …

  10. The impact of abstinence and comprehensive sex and STD/HIV education programs on adolescent sexual behavior

    In an effort to reduce unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease (STD) in adolescents, both abstinence and comprehensive sex and STD/HIV education programs have been proffered. Based on specified criteria, the author searched for and reviewed 56 studies that assessed the impact of such curricula (8 that evaluated 9 abstinence programs and 48 that evaluated comprehensive programs) on adolescents’ sexual behavior. Study results indicated that most abstinence programs did not delay initiation of sex and only 3 of 9 had any significant positive effects on any sexual behavior. …

  11. Effects and effectiveness of life skills education for HIV prevention in young people

    For 20 years, “life skills” education has been advocated as a key component of HIV and AIDS education for young people. But what do terms such as life skills imply, and what evidence is there that a life skills-based approach really works? This article reviews the literature on the effects and effectiveness of life skills-based education for HIV prevention. Evaluated interventions were identified by using three search strategies. The review identified a surprising number of rigorously designed and evaluated interventions from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Pacific. …

  12. The impact of television and radio on reproductive behavior and on HIV/AIDS knowledge and behavior

    This is a study of the association of radio and television exposure with different aspects of reproductive behavior and with knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in connection with HIV/AIDS. The measures of mass media are limited to the frequency that women and men report listening to the radio and watching television, which are standard questions in the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). Only the frequency is assessed; the DHS does not obtain information on programmatic content. …

  13. Effects of an Entertainment-Education Radio Soap Opera on Family Planning and HIV Prevention in St. Lucia

    Context: An entertainment-education radio soap opera, Apwe Plezi, was broadcast from February 1996 to September 1998 in St. Lucia. The program promoted family planning, HIV prevention and other social development themes. Methods: The program's effects were assessed through analyses of data from nationally representative pretest and posttest surveys, focus-group discussions and other qualitative and quantitative sources. Results: Among 1,238 respondents to the posttest survey, 35% had listened to Apwe Plezi, including 12% who listened at least once per week. …

  14. Condom Use Increases Among Namibian Youths Following HIV Training

    Namibian adolescents who received an HIV training curriculum experienced significant changes in attitudes, knowledge, intentions and behaviors concerning sexual activity and HIV. Adolescents who received training were more likely than their peers to know how pregnancy occurs and how to use a condom correctly. They also were more likely to believe that they could be intimate with a partner without having sex and that they could have a girlfriend or boyfriend for a long time without having sex. …

  15. Effectiveness of an HIV prevention program for secondary school students in Mongolia

    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a 3-year human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention program for adolescents attending secondary school in Mongolia. METHODS: Comparisons of knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and safe sex practices of grade 10 students from schools with a peer education prevention program to grade 10 students from schools without the intervention. Peer education programs were launched in 2000 across Mongolia. …


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